Race relations are worse than when he took office. Our - TopicsExpress


Race relations are worse than when he took office. Our President has never complemented a person of color who made a success of their life, especially if they were conservative. Not once have I seen/heard him hold them up as examples of how far we, as a nation, have come with regard to racism. Racism was not dead, but it was on life-support until Obama became President, with only Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson publicly fueling the fires and fanning the flames. There were a few others such Rev Wright I suppose, but didnt know of them until Obama was elected. With regard to the Presidents role, there was the incident that led to the beer summit and his constant comments on local issues such as Treyvon Martin, and his tolerance of the AG and others comments regarding incidents in which blacks were killed, and never commenting when there was a white man/woman killed, raped or otherwise harmed by blacks. This sets a tone and makes clear that he himself is a racist, but to much of a coward to do his own dirty work.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 15:04:54 +0000

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