Racism is the crowbar used to keep America divided but its not all - TopicsExpress


Racism is the crowbar used to keep America divided but its not all about race. Its about keeping good people oppressed, separating the Haves from the Have nots. Americas history is written in the blood of Native Americans, Africans brought over as slaves, child labor, sweatshops, indentured servitude and the abuses of Government with crony capitalism and backdoor secretive deals, used to gravitate wealth and power into the hands of a very few sociopathic and criminal minds. There is nothing heroic about America, nothing glamorous or glorious. The truth of this Nations history is corruption and graft. True, America has done great things. We beat back the Nazis in WWII but it was American Banks that funded the rise of Hitler in the first place. We have traveled to the outer planets by way of NASA and have reaped the benefits of the sciences used to bring about the understanding of our place in the Universe, but this Nation has also been responsible for the death of millions through acts of war and economic sanctions. You may think that you have to take the good with the bad, an ugly assumption at best. Nikola Tesla changed the world with his inventions and did so for the sake of understanding, for the benefit of all humanity. Westinghouse and Edison stole from him all he had, for the benefit of their own greed. How many Teslas and Einsteins have been lost to the world because of abject poverty, lack of opportunity, or even racial inequality? This Nation is once again on the precipice of a new civil war, though few understand that this war has been ongoing since the inception of this country. Those with wealth and power have been diligent in keeping and maintaining the status quo, using the color and rule of law to circumvent the natural and inalienable rights of all human beings, using fear and lies to keep us unaware of their graft and corruptions and when that isnt enough, they use ignorant and selfish thugs to inflict violence on those the system deems unworthy or a threat to their power. There are no innocents in this, not a one. If you are not actively fighting against these abuses, then you are accepting of them and therefore share in the responsibility for these abuses. Ignorance is never an excuse, nor is just following orders. You pick a side, you live with the consequences, but if youve picked the wrong side, you may avoid the direct consequences for now but your guilt and responsibility are never dissuaded. We all reap what we sow and this Nation, is about to reap the whirlwind, mark my words.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 14:50:16 +0000

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