Raila Odinga knows well Uhuru Kenyatta is no pushover. He knows - TopicsExpress


Raila Odinga knows well Uhuru Kenyatta is no pushover. He knows the president cannot respond to his trash in the name of open letter to him. He knows well his ultimatum will result to nothing and the president wont bend to hid empty threats and blackmail. Hes only looking for a platform to completely bury the ignominy that were the botched ODM nominations. He also aims to use the threats and the accompanying publicity to position himself as the automatic presidential candidate to face Uhuru in 2017. Having promised Kalonzo Musyoka automatic backing in 2017, he must create a crisis to act as a safety valve without being accused to be reneging on their secret MOU. So, 7/7 will pass like any other day, only that a few will be nursing bullet and Rungu injuries that evening after violently demonstrating. Read the quote below written by MOSES KURIA just before Raila lost elections to Uhuru; “Vintage Raila Odinga Thrives Best When Creating Confusion and Wild Claims With a View to Causing Civil Strife; to Expect Raila to Thrive in a Peaceful Environment is Akin to Asking Fish to Swim on Dry Land; Yet, this Time Round Raila Has Sensed Crushing Defeat, at the Polls; When the Monkey’s Final Hour Beckons, All Trees in the Forest Suddenly Become Slippery; the Monkey Cannot Hold On to Any Tree Without Falling Onto the Ground!” – Moses Kuria.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 09:53:06 +0000

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