Ramblings of a Mad Man or Revelation! Our world is becoming - TopicsExpress


Ramblings of a Mad Man or Revelation! Our world is becoming ever so much smaller. As I watch politics and social media, I cant help but think that the prophecy of the word of God is approaching ever so quickly. The concepts of monopolies use to be a bad idea when I was growing up. We have set and watch the maw and paw business go by the way side as the big behemoth box stores have come into existence. The same way with the family farms. What seemed to be a modern convenience has killed our motivation and creativity to produce. Now we all work at the plantation and depend on others rather than ourselves. A movement has been started to consolidate all media. Wont it be wonderful when all our information comes from one source. As every aspect of our lives is being consolidated, we stand by and ignore the obvious. New laws control our speech. Now that competition has being wiped out our prices have sky rocketed. We can not compete with our great providers. Government is making it harder and harder for small business to exist. It is only the ultra rich that can take our money. Obamacare for instance, no telling how many businesses are going under because this new law. Government use to exist for people, now people exist for Government. As the talking heads push for a New World Order, we are oblivious to its real agenda. Everyone will answer to one world power. Call me crazy if you want to. But I can see the revelation of the Anti Christ spoke of in the word of God more and more every day. There will be only one way to escape this social agenda that will make us all slaves. That is to place your trust in Jesus Christ. Wake up and smell the coffee folks. It is happening right in front of us and being touted as the best thing since white bread. I am not asking for a revolution to over throw this movement. I have resigned myself that it is coming. I am just asking for you to have an escape plan. Revelation 13:8 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. I am a flower gently fading, here today and gone tomorrow! This will be my goodbye post until I return from my trip to Clearwater. I may sneak in a couple of things via my phone. My Internet access is limited down at our get away. Seems like a nice feature!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 17:48:11 +0000

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