Random Reflection: Read at your own risk... ;) Looking back - TopicsExpress


Random Reflection: Read at your own risk... ;) Looking back through photos as I finally do a hard reset to my phone (my lifeline to you all) that is not even standing on its last leg.. heck, It already jumped off the cliff..lol... ~This time last year, We just came home from the hospital after Maxs 6th round of Chemo and had already said goodbye to Dadda (Jake) a couple months before and celebrated Maxs 1st birthday! *Records were set that Christmas at Monroe Carell Childrens Hospital! .. It was the first year in ten years that all the children of the Cancer Unit (6A) were all going home for Christmas, and Max was the last one! I have to tell you.. and I advocate for Vandy as much as possible, It takes a superb staff of doctors and nurses to be able to get ahead of scheduling and planning out chemo/radiation treatments just to get these children HOME for the holidays!! The Silence of the Halls grew dear on my Aware and Enlightened heart!! CANCER is unpredictable and All the time Absurd in timing.. These people are Angels on earth and we are so blessed to be part of this unit!! ~Now, I said they got them all home for Christmas.. In theory.. It was wonderful! ~But CANCER likes to sneak the last word in, as the devil pulls the strings to catch us just as we let our guard down for the slightest second! Some of those beautiful babies got sick and had to return! People dont realize the slightest cold, cough, etc can severally compromise or even KILL children fighting Cancer!! Max fought the Rhino Virus, which is just a common cold to you and I, but Baby Max fought it for 15 weeks straight and after 4 stints in the PICU, almost resulting in pneumonia, while being completely quarantined that amount of time.. puts it all in prospective! I couldnt even make food for myself during that time even if I wanted to... the fear of giving the RHINO Virus to other children and knowing the possible outcome was stifling in and of itself,.. Yes, on a lighter note... Im using that as an excuse for my continued weight gain! lol My husband would be laughing right now! I so miss his sense of humor.. the kind in flesh, you want to fight with,.. I would give anything to fight with him one last time!!.. And I mean that in the most endearing sentiment!! Those of you who knew him.. understand the sentiment I implore! ;) Max was so swollen this time last year! What a difference a year makes!! By April, We headed to St. Louis, MO to start his Proton Radiation Treatments and finished mid June! ~And Max set records there as well! ~Baby Max was the youngest child to undergo treatment in St. Louis after being turned down by other facilities (I wont name names, Whats the point?) Just Look at Him NOW!! We are so BLESSED! I dont think I shared in detail some of this before and tonight, nostalgia fills the air in the late hour past the delirium of my foggy, fuzzy eyes.. way past the hour of Good Night, nor good morning! And praying a selfish little prayer for Max to sleep in just a bit in the morning.. while looking at the clock, as its screeching out to me and echoing in my head.. 4:18am.. I know I better go to bed and resume this Reset later! :) Love to you all... Thanks for listening to a silly mother reflecting! I havent been able to post much lately. Max keeps me hopping!!..heehee ~Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas!!
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 10:40:32 +0000

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