Re: Brampton election I attended the Muslim debate last night - TopicsExpress


Re: Brampton election I attended the Muslim debate last night that included Linda Jeffrey, John Sanderson and Muhammad Haque because I wanted to hear what Linda had to say about CETA. Unfortunately, they did not get around to asking the CETA question. I support Donald McLeod for Mayor of Brampton because he has some fresh ideas and does not carry the baggage of Jeffrey and Sanderson. He has a cosmopolitan outlook that bodes well for integrating the various cultural factions in Brampton. He sees how the 3-D printing is going to change the face of industry and society and is ready to put Brampton at the forefront of change. Jeffrey is head over heels compared to Sanderson in terms of ability and intelligence. Sanderson has no forward vision at all . He answers questions about what he will do for Brampton by saying what it used to be like. Jeffrey actually departed from her script last night that constantly denigrates the current administration (as if we dont already know) and actually showed some human warmth. But Jeffrey has a long history of cozying up to multinationals to the detriment of citizens and the environment. That is not forward-looking either as the third industrial revolution is about to change how we do everything. The potential damage of climate change means that we can no longer trade off the environment for jobs. What we need are entrepreneurs to leverage the benefits of 3-D printing. Small cooperative enterprises will replace vertical multinational behemoths. Green energy will be distributed by local underground internet connections that will not be impacted by the weather. Brampton has a huge entrepreneurial talent pool. Sheridan College is providing the 3-D printing technical skills. We can either incubate the emerging 3-D printing industry or be left in the dust by more forward-looking communities. As someone who has taken top-notch university courses over the internet for free, I know that higher education no longer lies in bricks-and-mortar universities that are increasingly controlled by multinationals. Quality higher education will be distributed largely free over the internet where multinationals will have no control over the instructors and content. Our young people are already finding fulfillment in creativity nurtured online by their peers. They have been largely locked out of traditional jobs and have found meaning elsewhere. Managers bemoan what they see as the lack of commitment of young professionals entering the workforce. But the youngsters have it right. The future is not being enslaved by multinationals but taking control of ones own destiny and creating a new collaborative world. If Mayor Susan Fennell drops out of the race, a whole new dynamic will open up. Will her supporters move elsewhere or stay home? Both the media and the polls have ignored anyone but Jeffrey, Sanderson and Fennell. Polls are becoming notoriously inaccurate anyway as much of the population no longer has a landline. Donald Mcleod has a strong following which the sleeping media has failed to notice. Anything could happen in this race that the media has portrayed as decided long ago. If you have not yet heard Donald McLeod speak, check him out in the BBOT debate where he was judged as a close second by the local captains of industry. https://youtube/watch?v=DeCbdFNfUh8& If you really want change and a bright future for Brampton, I urge you to consider Donald Mcleod for Mayor
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:48:36 +0000

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