Re member Earth old and Ancient Earth. Of course time do not - TopicsExpress


Re member Earth old and Ancient Earth. Of course time do not exist but in one now point so we are speaking of linear Time in this communication She was one land mass before the continental drifts. So all of you were one before you drifted apart Geographic genetic and etheric.ONE But for now we will speak of her geographically Mother Earth had also many strange creatures that dwelled On her surface. Before you humans evolved She was not always called earth some called her Taimat And the ancient old reptilians that did inhabit her Called her Terra and they were the Terrans. Those ancient dinosaurs did evolve and had intelligent Beings that some call Reptilians. And those that develop on to humas This is an oversimplification of the process. But we can trace this for you. Not all reptilians are what you refer to as Extra Terra Astral They were not Extra on Terra for they resided on Terra before Humans evolved. Is that clear.? Well and trillions billions of years ago ancient beings did evolved them also but their origin and story will perplex you in this now point. But your comprehension about your origins is now easy for you. Now these Reptilians still do consider this planet as their own And they as the original inhabitants. Thats true from one perspective But the council of all worlds did decide upon the next level in evolution And this new level was the modern day Terrans that You all know as Humans. Humas always talk about extra terrestrials and reptilians But they are not all the same Just like all humas on earth are not all the same You have various hybridization of your mixed genetics So all reptilians are not evil or negative Just like all caucasions are not evil or negative All blacks are not good and righteous And this is in all Races none of you are righteous No not one. As our brother Sananda called Jesus taught. But these reptilians that reside inside earth Are. Benevolent toward humas and they teach humans when they can Of course they are member of the Galatic council So they abide by the rules in what information that can be Shared with you as you grow and develop Because any parent know that a baby Becuse its digestive system Is not properly developed to handle hard cooked food So for a child the food must be simple and easily digested in order not to cause A disruption in the overall health and mental stability of the child. in like manner humans are given what serves it best as it matures. Some say before time as you know its was logged beings travelled From different star systems and inhabit this planet before a series of Crashes that has reduced its size and one piece we now know as the moon Did break off from her earth original massive size. So life did exist on this water planet for billions of years Before what you will call humans appear. These old and ancient beings Are Re surfacing again to Remind you Some appear reptilian and are benevolent towards humans And actually protect humans from others like themself. Some of these stories are in Africa as these water beings did interbred With the old you modern Terrans are considered part reptilian Thus all humas are Hybrids. Now why am I sharing this out formation with you As your information As asking you to get ready for older stories of old earth That will shatter your Religious myths Get ready for The Re Turn. Get ready for older stories that will shatter your race myth Get ready for the other older stories That is now ready to be told. The uRe Turn Council Of all space and time
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:37:03 +0000

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