Read, Weep. Make dua for these brothers and write them in support. - TopicsExpress


Read, Weep. Make dua for these brothers and write them in support. You cannot imagine how endearing all letters from outside are to these men. 11/2/2014 Part 1 of 2 Some may have an idea of what happens to accused Muslims after they get convicted in an American court. But what happens BEFORE THE TRIAL IS EVEN MORE SHOCKING BUT TRUE . Here are the details: 1- BEFORE THE ARREST: Hollywood in the Neighborhood: On the day of arrest, sometimes, the government gives advance notice & permission to certain local media outlets such as local TV channels. These media outlets are given the exact time of arrest, location, & name of the accused Muslim. This allows these channels to broadcast the arrest as breaking news as it takes place or record it for later broadcast on the evening newscast. In some cases, a police helicopter &/or media helicopters will hover above the scene taking live shots of the arrest. The news outlets will show the accused Muslim as he is being dragged from his bedroom in his pajamas with handcuffs & taken to caravan of multiple police, FBI, or Sheriff cars, vans, or suvs waiting outside the home. The entire neighborhood is surrounded with with FBI agents, police officers, Sheriff Deputies stationed at every corner around the house in the neighborhood as if they were arresting a drug cartel leader. In the case of INFOCOM in Dallas Texas, very early in the morning, FBI agents had a duplicate key to house of the President of Company (a Palestinian American Muslim) & went inside his bedroom as he was sleeping with his wife. He woke up to the noise of the FBI screaming & telling him to hold his hands up. Immediately he was handcuffed, was not allow to use the restroom, & was not allowed to change his pajama. They dragged him outside to the waiting media outlets shining lights & cameras. The entire block was surrounded with law enforcement agents from City, County, State, & Federal agencies. This is not the shooting of a Hollywood movie but a real life drama & the victims are real people who have families whose life is being terrorized & destroyed by the action of their own government. It is not just the accused who is being punished but also his wife, children, & community as well. After the arrest, the media frenzy continues unabated for months or even years before, during, & after the trial. The constitutional right of presumption of innocence until proven guilty is not applicable to Muslims. Every accused Muslim is automatically found guilty as charged by the media, society, & all official outlets. The government intentionally leaks bits & pieces of evidence to the media to start the campaign of public lynching of the accused Muslim. The media starts questioning the accused Muslims neighbors, friends, co-workers about his living habits & if they noticed any strange behavior of any member of his family. Suddenly, the accused Muslim (who is an outstanding citizen), his normal behavior becomes strange & all his innocent activities will be tainted with suspicion. The neighbors will talk about how weird his wife dresses & how strange his children act & how they kept their door closed, ...etc. They will tell the media they couldnt believe that a terrorists was living among them. They start praising the FBI & the government for napping this dangerous terrorist with his family & making their neighborhood safe again. Many wild stories & fairy tales starts coming out of the wood work of his co-workers & others who they knew him & even the ones who didnt know him. Suddenly, an innocent man, his wife, & children are being vilified & their life being destroyed just based on accusation. In this type of hysterical, poisoned, & hostile environment, how can anyone expect the accused Muslim to receive a fair trial? The truth is that, this accused Muslim is ALREADY GUILTY AS CHARGED. THERE IS NO NEED FOR TRIAL & HAVING A TRIAL WITH JURY SELECTION (THE JURORS COME FROM THE SAME POOL OF PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THAT AREA) IS AN EXERCISE IN FUTILITY. Every accused is supposed to be judged by jury of his own peers. Peers as defined by the Dictionary Is: one of equal standing with another, or EQUAL. However, the prosecutor will not allow a single juror who is a Muslim or have Arabic name and will exclude them. Since 9/11, not a single Muslim or Arab have served as a juror in any Muslim or Arab to serve on any terrorism trial. And that is called Justice. In addition, the government will orchestrate an extreme negative media blitz & sensationalism by leaking bits & pieces of false, half truths, innuendoes of what the accused Muslim did or didnt do. All of this WILL GIVE the government an absolute victory in court regardless of the truth or evidence. Much of the leaked information is baseless lies, but who is going to verify?. The media will paint a picture of the accused Muslim as a monster & interpret everything he did in his life in a negative & terroristic way in order to poison the mind of any potential juror. Furthermore, his religion, the mosque where he prays at, his religious leader or Imam, & anyone who prays with him, knew him or have any dealings with him becomes a target himself, get questioned & jumps to the spot light & their background would be investigated too. 2- AFTER THE ARREST: Based on my personal experience & talking to many Muslims who were tried in American Courts, they all have similar experience of inhumane, degrading, & miserable conditions & treatment prior to their trials. Just about EVERY MUSLIM WHO WAS ACCUSED OF TERRORISM OR ANY TERRORISM RELATED CHARGES (not convicted, JUST ACCUSED) WAS HELD IN TOTAL ISOLATION CONFINEMENT & WAS SUBJECTED TO A RANGE OF HARSH PSYCHOLOGICAL, MENTAL TORTURE, & DENIED THEIR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AS A WAY TO BREAK THEM DOWN IN ORDER TO FORCE THEM TO PLEAD GUILTY SO THE PROSECUTOR DOES NOT HAVE TO TRY THEM IN COURT & EXPOSE THE GOVERNMENT ILLEGAL TACTICS OF DECEPTION. All Muslims who were found/or plead guilty, they ended up sentenced to a much harsher sentence than other non-Muslims who were charged with the same crime. One Muslim who was convicted of one count of perjury was sentenced to 10 years despite the fact the guideline calls for a up to 5 years. Since 9/11 the lowest prison sentence given to a Muslim charged with terrorism has been 10 years. THIS SOLITARY CONFINEMENT ISOLATION TREATMENT HAS LEAD SOME MUSLIMS TO BECOME CRAZY & MENTALLY UNSTABLE. I KNOW THAT BECAUSE I HAVE SPOKEN TO SEVERAL OF THEM MYSELF & SEEN THEIR DETERIORATED MENTAL CAPACITY. IN GUANTANAMO PRISON SOME EVEN HAVE COMMITTED SUICIDE. SOME HAVE GONE ON HUNGER STRIKE TO PROTEST THEIR CONDITIONS OF CONFINEMENT. WHAT IS EVEN MORE PREPOSTEROUS IS THAT SOME ACCUSED Muslims even pleaded guilty without an indictment (without being officially charged with any crime) & were sentenced 20-30 years just based on prosecutors allegations of an alleged unproven crime. Some Muslims were deprived from attorney/client privileged meetings & their meetings were monitored, recorded or even not allowed as the government gives flimsy & questionable excuses for not allowing these meetings. All these are clear violations of the law & go unreported because who is going to report them. The public defender, whose interest is to keep his job or the accused Muslim, whose communication with the outside world is restricted or limited? It clearly obvious that these violations hinder accused Muslim from helping his attorney defend him in court & in essence eliminating any effective defense, making their attorneys worthless. Many accused Muslims contact with their families was extremely limited or cut off for along time as a way to put pressure on them to accept a guilty plea. After the arrest it may take 2-4 years or even longer before they have their day in court. During this time, the accused Muslim rotten in his solitary confinement, worried to death about his family & how they were doing in the outside world. An editorial in the New York Times on March 16, 2012, reported that solitary confinement, which is typically means up to 23 hours a day in total isolation, can cause depression and rage after a few days, with severe mental suffering when imposed for a long periods. Juan Mendez, The United Nations Special rapporteur on torture, pressed the U.N. Human Rights Council to help reduce the use of solitary confinement, having argued in a report last year that PROLONGED ISOLATION IS CRUEL AND INHUMANE, AND WHEN USED FOR THE PURPOSE OF PUNISHMENT, CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED FOR ANY REASON. In solitary confinement accused Muslims are deprived from having religious material or even a prayer rug, & in some cases, they are not allowed to have a Quran (Muslims Holy Book) in their cells. In some prisons, they are given minimum clothing that is no protection from extreme cold cells. Accused Muslims are typically singled out & subjected to verbal and physical abuse by prison guards who do it with impunity. Even some guards are encouraged by their superiors to do so in total disregard to the law. The use of foul language against accused Muslims is not just tolerated but encouraged in some prisons. That how Dr. El-Arian, a Palestinian American Muslim, was treated in the federal prison in Florida for over 5 years. The defendants in the INFOCOM case (5 brothers) in Dallas were held in solitary confinement for over 18 months before they went to trial. THEY WERE SUBJUGATED TO A HOST OF PSYCHOLOGICAL & MENTAL TORTURE WITH CAMERAS INSTALLED IN THEIR CELLS MONITORING THEM 24 HOURS. THEY CONTINUED TO BE HELD IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT DURING THEIR TRIALS (THEY WENT THRU TWO SEPARATE TRIALS). ONLY AFTER 3 YEARS FROM THE DAY OF THEIR ARREST, THEY WERE PLACED IN GENERAL POPULATIONS WITH OTHER INMATES. When my co-defendants & I (defendants of the Holy Land Foundation case) in Dallas were arrested on alleged terrorism charges (keep in mind that we have not been convicted, only charged) & yet we were placed in solitary confinement. The solitary confinement section of every prison is the place where convicted criminals serve their punishment time for breaking prison rules. Even though we were not convicted of any crimes, we were placed among these vicious criminals & subjected to a host of psychological torture, mental, degrading & humiliating treatment. The solitary confinement is prosecutors favorite tool to pressure the accused to plea guilty to avoid going thru a trial. The rules do not give the prosecutor the right to directly involve in the placement of accused or convicted individuals & yet the prosecutor in our case used & convinced the Warden of Seagoville Prison in Texas to write the judge in our case to remove us from Seagoville (where we were close to our families) & moved us to facilities thousands of miles a way. This took place despite the fact that it was the judge himself who made a ruling to keep us in Seagoville Prison until our appeal is heard. Conditions of confinement can get much worse for the alleged accused who refuse to cooperate or plea bargain with prosecutors. When my co-defendants & I were moved from Seagoville Prison to Oklahoma City transit facility (OKC), we were singled out for much harsher treatment than other inmates who were being moved at the same time. Our feet & hands were shackled with tight chains & were given the special treatment of the BLACK BOX. the Black Box is a rectangular device that holds all the chains tying your hands, legs & waist together in a way that completely restrict the movement of your hand to the point where our hands became numb & our wrists were dented like twisted steel exposing the veins of our blood because of the tightness of the handcuffs & the Black Box. When we were on the bus & about to leave to go to Texarkana prison, many guards singled us out (my co-defendants & I) for the use of profanity & foul language. At Texarkana prison we were segregated from the rest of the inmates & placed in solitary confinement for the overnight stay. This solitarily confinement was much worse because the cell was 5 ft by 8 ft with three bunk beds on top of each other. From Texarkana prison we were moved to OKC facilities by bus & again we were the only ones who received the Black Box treatment. The trip took 5 hours & it was the most difficult 5 hours of pain & suffering any human can ever endure. When we arrived at OKC, we were segregated again in separate solitary confinement cells. The prison guards at OKC were more abusive & extremely nasty. The Chaplain refused to provide us with a copy of the Holy Quran. I was in extreme pain & when I asked the guard for pain killer he looked at me and said:........................... And the story shall continue in the next e-mail. This is the end of part 1 of 2 Your brother Mufid Abdulqader Palestinian Political Prisoner #32590-177 Prosecuted in American Court on drummed up political charges on behalf of the Israeli Occupation. My Address: Mufid Abdulqader, #32590-177 FCI-THA P. O. Box 33 Terre Haute, IN 47808
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:33:29 +0000

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