****Read carefully**** In honor of Say You Wills release on 8/5 - TopicsExpress


****Read carefully**** In honor of Say You Wills release on 8/5 were gonna have some fun. Well be doing a rafflecopter giveaway for the correct comments below. Winner will receive a signed book from Minx. **** prologue SAYING GOODBYE NEVER seemed to get any easier. “You won’t forget about us, will you?” Travis gazed up at him with blue eyes the same shade as his own. “I could never forget about you or your mother. I’ll be back as soon as I can, buddy. Be good for your mom, okay?” “Okay. Here’s my picture.” The little boy thrust the construction paper at him. Trent looked down at the lumpy figurines. Travis pointed at each figure. “That’s me. That’s you. And that’s mom.” He had written across the bottom of the picture in crayon “M-y- f-a-m-i-l-e-e”. Trent folded it carefully and put it in the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “I’ll keep it right here with me. This is too important to pack in a suitcase.” Travis hugged him fiercely, then with typical toddler nonchalance raced back to the television. The sounds of his favorite cartoon resumed a few seconds later. “He’s been working on that drawing for you all week.” Avery stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching him. Tears shone in her eyes. “I can hardly believe he’s old enough for preschool. It really puts things in perspective.” She wiped her hands on the dishtowel tucked into her waistband. “You’re all packed?” “Yeah. I think I got everything this time.” His eyes swept the room, looking for anything he might have missed when he packed last night. He couldn’t afford to accidentally leave anything behind since he wouldn’t be here for a while. He’d been coming to see them for the past few months and it was harder and harder to leave every time. Soon all the lies would be over and he’d be able to get back to his life. Just a little bit longer. He stood and slung his duffel over his shoulder. The weight of it barely registered. Packing light was a requirement for traveling under the radar. Lately, he’d been on the road so much that he could pack and unpack in his sleep. Avery followed him as he walked to the front door. “He misses you so much when you leave. So do I.” Trent pushed her dark hair away from her face. She wouldn’t meet his eyes which was a bad sign. She always did this. Just when she got her life back on track, then she backtracked and ended up in the same place. “This is the way it has to be for now. It’ll all be over soon. Hang in there. I’ll be back to see you in a few weeks if I can get away.” Avery bit her lip and looked away. “I didn’t think it would be this hard. I’m lonely living here all by myself.” “It’s hard on me, too. I miss you. You know I love you more than life.” He kissed her on the forehead, the same way he’d done for years. Her smile never faltered but as she watched him leave, he could tell she was crying. Just a few more weeks and this will all be over.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:00:49 +0000

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