Realest Shit I ever read. Something to think about Why most - TopicsExpress


Realest Shit I ever read. Something to think about Why most women are single (ATlanta) I know the truth hurts and some women might be furious at me for posting this. This message and opinionated feeling is not a rant, rage or rave from a failed or disappointed man, but it is what it is and if you are honest, I know you wouldnt be stranger to have realized such an experience or practices anyway. By most accounts, most women are manipulative. They lie, steal, suck a mans hard earned resources, ruin and eventually destroy a mans ass and his lifes assets. Most women are living in a fanatic world full of fallacy and let me take advantage mentality. Most women are naive to real problems and most often than not never want to address anything to compromise. Most womens expectations of men is twisted. Most women are gold diggers and are angry and mad for no or just simple issues. They really need a man to protect, provide, and be a man for them but ridiculously enough; they act like they are the only super decision makers in the household and absolute powers of the world. Most women dont stick to what they preach and are out of control 1000 times. They say, brag and claim a lot of positive things about themselves, but when digging deep inside, they practically bring nothing to the table. They want superficial relationship and dont let a man to not be a man. They want a man to not get upset, talk like a man at times and all they want is to be happy all the time. However, the reality is that NOBODY IS HAPPY ALL THE TIME. Because in real life, majority of people dont always get what they want. And it is humanly impossible to be happy with a woman who talks all the time, wants to attract other men, go out and be away from home more than she is at home, is never happy or satisfied, is unappreciative, cold, easy to give up on her man, is very demanding and dont understand that entertainment is a gimmick & instead want to imitate it, listens to dumb friends and relatives, dont respect her man, dont trust and believe in her man. What a freaking joke! Give me a break mighty Lord! That is why due to such factors and other facts, many men are now trending to date out of their race. No wonder living in the kinkiest hardcore movies, divorce, cheating and gluttony capital of the world, America, nowadays, relationship has become pointless and a complete joke by most egoistic women; its just a freaking game literally. Please dont tell me what I am writing and stating here is all lies; and dont you ever tell me the shrinking in number black man is a loser and culprit. And most importantly, dont also misunderstand and read me wrong that I am NOT saying ALL women are losers. While the majority of them play mind games, there are some good and quality ones out there who really equally care and contribute their fair share to maintain a balanced 20/20 harmonious relationship. And kudos to these few hard-working women trying to make a decent living. Indeed, it is kind of hard to find these few good women who deserve all the best.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:34:10 +0000

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