#RealityCheck Just because a person professes to be a Christian - TopicsExpress


#RealityCheck Just because a person professes to be a Christian and always seems to talk about God doesnt mean they are someone you should follow blindly - especially if the Lord Jesus Christ is who you are truly seeking. Prayerfully consider their words and ask that the Holy Spirit reveals who that person truly is (1 John 4:1-3). The word God has been made to be a generic term that snake oil selling, ear tickling, false teachers are using to appear as though they are truly a follower of Christ, however, much like the mormons, and muslims, they pray to an entirely different god - NOT the One True King, the TRIUNE God of Abraham, of Moses. Their beliefs and doctrine have made God into flesh AND even Jesus Christ into a brother of satan, rather than the LIVING Savior, the ONLY begotten Son who is 1/3 of the trinity as GOD who was, who is, and will be forever more. These messages i see my friends sharing physically pain me in seeing the blind followers who are being deceived with messages about self talk about greatness of your destiny, of how God owes you something because of how great you are. As someone who fails daily because of my sinful nature, i strive to learn more about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who was brutally tortured and crucified for a sinner like me - like you. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing in the Bible that tells us about any of these false self-loving things - yet i see they have the most likes/shares because they are feel good messages. The #Truth is that we are all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God - i URGE you to read Romans 3:23-27.. No where in the Bible does it say anything to the effect of you are great, you should chase your dreams or anything remotely related to building yourself up or loving yourself - NO WHERE. Quite the antithesis! The Word of God consistently teaches you should love others as God loves you, to be loving, to be humble, to be meek, to be honest, to not seek worldly riches or anything that this world has to offer. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ~ Romans 12:2 Conclusion: If you find yourself trying to appease people, love yourself or gain anything this temporary world holds value in, you are NOT living according to the teachings of Jesus Christ, in the perfect Will of God, as a child of the One True King.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 06:19:16 +0000

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