Reasons Why You Keep Getting Dumped Over And Over Again Ever been - TopicsExpress


Reasons Why You Keep Getting Dumped Over And Over Again Ever been dumped before? Whether you saw it coming or were surprised, many people agree that getting dumped at times can hurt like hell. Although getting dumped makes people learn, if you keep on getting shown the door, it’s a sign that you need to toughen your love. In any case, if you have been dumped, here are the main reasons why that could have happened to you; 1. Boredom Doldrums in relationships are real and very common. And if the girl you are dating is always hunting for new and exciting things, you are probably not keeping it rolling. If this is the case, you should never feel bad because no one is that exciting at all times. However, if you are a man and you are not trying to breathe some new energy and life into your relationship, she is definitely going to be bored and will ditch you without a second thought. 2. Too Clingy or Too Needy If a girl is possessive and needy, it’s easier for the man to be seen as disconnected. If she is not too possessive or needy, it’s a lot easier for the man to appear seemingly possessive and needy but whatever the stance, be sure to read the signs of reciprocation well. If she does not initiate chats or text back, cool down, you might be coming on too strong. 3. Too Jealous If you get jealous every time you see him talking to another chick or are getting too worried that she is spending time with other dudes, you might be TOO jealous and you could soon be dumped. 4. Trying too hard, too soon The line between trying too hard too soon and not trying hard enough is very thin. This is why most men wish there were an algorithm to show when it’s the right time to lay off the gas or make the extra effort. So, if you find yourself avoiding her calls and/or failing to reply to her texts, don’t be surprised when she opts to call it quits. 5. You are too Nice This sounds familiar, right? I know, that’s why I brought it up. You want to impress your girl by being the nicest guy left on this planet. You never argue, don’t complain, you never share thoughts that are dissimilar to hers, you evade conflicts and you never say “NO”. Am not suggesting that you be a cocky, rude Guido but remember “Nice guys finish last”. As such, respect yourself, grow a spine, and do not grovel. 6. Ran out of Infatuation Girls tend to end relationships sadly when the guy they are dating loses interests. Generally, the presence of a man in a girl’s life as the exciting, new, attention giver makes them feel validated and valued. Although relationships are not built on euphoria, your boy or girl will dump you if he/she is not excited with you. 7. Chemistry Once it turns out that he/she isn’t what you thought it was; chances are you will both head in different directions regardless of the age, attraction, and/or beliefs that you have in common. Relationship experts actually ascertain that if there is no chemistry between the two of you, parting ways surprisingly saves you a huge chunk of agony. 8. Different directions When you suddenly realize that the person you’ve been dating has different goals in life, the ship is most probably going to sink. Thus, being dumped comes automatically at such instances. The most vital thing with being dumped involves having the spirit of picking yourself up and stopping wallowing in your sorrow then choosing to move on. There you go guys, if you find yourself being left on the brink and no shoulder to cry on, you at least have a clue about what could have led to that. But then again, just know that you now have a manual that can help you avoid the pain and suffering that comes along with the loss of a partner that you once treasured most.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 05:56:21 +0000

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