Rebecca: Episode 5 Please dont make me guess,just tell - TopicsExpress


Rebecca: Episode 5 Please dont make me guess,just tell me.Becca pleaded. Williams wife is with child.he embraced her.Wow,im so happy for the two of them,at last im going to be an aunt.Rebecca laughed. And im going to become an uncle too.Felix laughed,Daddyis so excited and so is Grandma bee. Come,lets go tell Rachel.Rebecca pulled Felix. Shes not in her room. she heard Felix say. Really? Rebecca squealed trying to remember something.oh she told me she has a date with Kofi.Rebecca explained.This calls for celebration. Wait,who is Kofi? Felix asked. Oh,her boyfriend.Becca said,Her boyfriend? what about Daniel? Felix asked. Daniel is fine,and dont worry shes fine too. Rebecca said leading the way to the sitting room,she changed the topic. I cant wait to see their child.She laughed, Our child.Williamsaid from across the sitting room holding a wine glass. Congratulations big brother.she hugged him,Felix also hugged a smiling Temitope before embracing his brother. Williams poured everyone a glass of wine. Im proud of you son. Dr Ajikole said smiling,he looked happy,Youre my true son following right in my step. Williams hugged his father again,And me?Felix asked. You my true son too,you have made me the proud father of an engineer.Dr Ajikole laughed,everyone reeled in laughter too. The moment was cut short when the door flew open,causing a loud noise.The other looked towards the door. Rachel walked in and off to her room,without as much as a word. What happened to her?Felix asked. The others looked at each other with no one to offer an answer. No need to panic,ill go talk to her.Rebecca dropped her glass. Ill come with you.Temitope offered. Dont worry,its nothing.Rebecca said. Its alright Temitope,let her sister talk to her.Williams said coming to stand by his wife. Ill go ahead now. Rebecca said and walked out of the sitting room. Some things are just unbelieveable.Rebecca said trying to suppress a laughter that threatened to spill. She laid down on the three seater in the living room,Rachels favorite cooling off spot.she decorated the wall with modern work of art,mostly nature and still life,same for her bedroom.She explained the mini drama that happened at the restaurant to her sister. You can laugh all you can,mind you this isnt funny. Rachel said lifting the cold glass of water,she held it for some minutes before drinking. Daniel slapped you? He must have been furious seeing you with another man in a such a romantic place.Rebeccasaid,I feel real bad for Kofi,hes such a gentle soul. I was scared and at the same time embarrased,whenthe two men broke into a fight,i left thanks to.... ... the ring tone of her phone broke into the air. Rachel checked the caller identity,Its Daniel calling. Pick it. Rachel gave her sister a odd look. Why should i? He slapped me,Becca he slapped me in a public place. You did something wrong dear. Is that why he hit me? Too bad,because im calling it quit between us.Rachel said. Rebecca was silent for a while,trying to comprehend her sisters last comment.Did i hear you right? Rachel was silent for a moment,her face contorted in anger. Every one is going to bite off your head,we all know hes the only man with whom youve had a relationship that lasted eight months,coupled with the fact that he is Felix friend.Rebecca glared at her sister who seemed to be enjoying herself. And you?how many relationships have you had? That statement coming from Rachel stung her badly. You can go on forever,but my mind is made up.Rachel said,getting up she walked away. Rebecca stared at her sister as she left. ........... A very good place to relax after a tiring week is a club,Kogi enjoyed going there to catch some fun.Even if his life was not what he wanted it to be,he was alive which sounded like a good enough reason to be happy. Hed spent five months working at the mall before he became the sales manager,his pay was manageble for a man without wife and children. At twenty five ,his mates were working at good offices,riding great cars and living life to the fullest,but he was here struggling to live a decent life. Tonight seemed a bit cool,as he sat down on a chair belonging to a table for three.He ordered his usual drink,watching the ladys that displayed their goodies for sale,there was so much to feed the eyes with. He knew it wouldnt be long,before ladies started walking up to him for a dance or drink.Well,that was not his fault,every lady wants an handsome man. And he,Kofi Alcantara had more than his fair of beauty for a man.he often wondered why ladies hung around him,even when his pocket was empty,perhaps it was just sheer luck.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:50:03 +0000

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