Recap on Repositioning the home for the end-time Marriage is - TopicsExpress


Recap on Repositioning the home for the end-time Marriage is gold, and like most precious metals, one must invest time and resources to secure it and fashion it into a jewel of great price. Everybody wants something good but not all is ready to work it out! Marriage and the church are interwoven, and are therefore, inseparable. Homes are built from marriages and the church is made up of homes. Healthy marriages mean healthy homes, and healthy homes make for a healthy Church; the opposite applies in an unhealthy marriage. To get the Church to her proper place, marriages must be put into proper shape. The Church cannot shy away from this fact anymore. There is a need for believers to be exposed to Gods concept of marriage through sound biblical teachings. The Church should not underestimate the importance of marriage, for Christ is coming for a Church without spot or wrinkle. If the Church must grow to maturity before Christ comes, then marriages must be strengthened. How strong the Church is will be affected to a great extent, by how strong marriages are. There is therefore, the need to solidify marriages, so that the Church can grow to maturity. For humanity to be re-enthroned, the home must be what God has ordained it to be. If you, as an individual member of the body, do not want to suffer dethronement like Adam did, your home must be patterned after God and His Word. If there will be restoration to humanity, it has to come through the home Your marriage is what you make it to be. Stop waiting for your home to adjust itself, rather adjust it with the word of God. Gods concept about marriage is that it is GOOD and it is to be enjoyed. This concept is contrary to mans claim on marriage. Some say Marriage is a necessary evil.Others introduce a state of irony into this holy institution. They contend that the married are looking for a way of escape, while the unmarried are eager to get into it. This assertion is born out of mans philosophy and the experience of those who have not found fulfillment in marriage. But neither philosophy nor experience is the truth; God’s WORD is. So many people believe the ideas of men more than the Word of God; and it is a spiritual law that what you believe affects what you experience. It is a spiritual law that, it shall be unto you according to your FAITH. The fact that some people experience problems, defeat and failure in marriage does not mean that everybody else is having similar experiences. No experience is as strong as the Word of God; rather, all experiences should be judged in the light of the Word. Any experience that is contrary to the Word of God should be thrown away. If marriage is evil it cannot at the same time be honourable. Since it is honourable, it cannot be evil. The body of Christ is getting deteriorated because all is pursuing position, fame, power, money etc. Little wonder the home is deteriorating also, because either the Church or the home is not standing right. The positioning is wrong. Marriage is supposed to provide an additional strength spiritually to make the human family an unbeatable team and establish each as partner gods of the earth but the home as been turned into chaotic city. Likewise the Church is meant to be a family regardless the denominations; a symbol of God’s Love and Kingdom on earth but alas it’s a chaotic city. May all homes and Churches receive divine visitation from above (Amen). Marriage is not just an ordinary treasure but full of treasures, value objects which when profitably traded with, takes one off the realm of the ordinary to that of the supernatural. There is no bad partner, its only partners that refuse to grow. Men (male and female) grow in grace every time but babies stay in a level for too long a time. A good partner/spouse grow every time (enlarges capacity) and see what to work on, on him/herself instead of nagging every time. Always be the best you can be; not want another to change and you be the constant perfect one. You can be the first person to change and see if there will not be changes from the other partner. Marriage is a team work not a solo work, if you want a change in your partner pray and let the change start from you. Know that as you want a change your spouse too wants a change, dialogue it out. It will be amazing what you will see as the end result. Many seek to find out how many imperfections, failures and carnal traits are allowable in religion, but few seek to bring Christians to the height of the gospel standard and to the unlimited power of the promises of God. The measure of the stature of the fullness is seldom mentioned much less demonstrated, while the stature of littleness, emptiness and powerlessness of Christianity is often emphasized and demonstrated. The Lord is coming for a perfect and unified body, so whatever the revelation received let it be to the building of the body (the Church). Whatever the ministry or revelation you operate in must have these following duties/qualities: (1) To perfect the saints (2) To edify the body of Christ. (3) To unify men in faith (4) To unify men in doctrine (5) To perfect the Church in Christ. (6) To bring men to maturity in Christ. For all ministries, gifts, revelations etc to fulfill the reason for its existence for this end time as we await the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ its necessary we check the reason why all is permitted to function in the Church and the duties it must fulfill. Remember, it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down; it is how we handle them. We also discussed about sustaining your home: It is not enough to build a Christian home, it has to be sustained. The reason Jesus came is to give abundant life, even in the home. Man must, however, co-operate with God to make the home a paradise on earth, as it is supposed to be. Whether your home is sustained or not does not depend on God but on you because all things pertaining to life and godliness as been given to you. (1) Lay your foundation on the rock: (2) Fulfill your marriage responsibilities: Marriage has responsibilities attached to it. Both the man and the woman must co-operate in fulfilling their responsibilities, so that the home can be sustained. Negligence on the part of either party can affect the sustenance of the home. Co-operation therefore is a necessity. Another topic also discussed is Forgiveness In Marriage Unforgiven as a branch: Everyone often gets the opportunity to be mistreated, hurt, annoyed but what you do afterwards is what matters. Life is too short to allow this deadly force called unforgiveness to ruin it for you. “The hatred you’re carrying is a live coal in your heart – far more damaging to yourself than to them” Lawana Blackwell The power of forgiveness is awesome because of the immense benefits to the one who forgives. It is all about what you want in life and how far you want to go. Inability to forgive is a force that has the power to influence, affect or control you and your future negatively. This deadly force drains your energy, wastes your time for more profitable ventures. Unforgiveness shows you are weak because forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. Embrace the power of forgiveness and avoid the effects of this deadly force. Why give yourself all the stress for something or somebody that is not worth it. Furthermore, the scriptures tell us to forgive if we want to be forgiven by our heavenly father. Matt 6:15, Matt 18:35, Luke 6:37, etc. Besides we are to be like Christ who forgave us our sins while we yet disobey the commands of God. Romans 5:8, Act 5:31 “It really doesn’t matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on.” Real Live Preacher In Conclusion: Your marriage is a house, so build it. Dont be lazy. As you lay your bed, so you lie on it. Do not depend on your spouse to do the work, let it start from you. Do not allow your house to be divided because of misunderstanding, nonchalant attitude; self righteousness etc. A house divided against itself will not stand. Build your home and you will enjoy the fruit therein...... Shalom....
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 08:52:35 +0000

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