Recently I have become aware of a negative review urging people to - TopicsExpress


Recently I have become aware of a negative review urging people to stay away from us. That we are dishonest and liars. Unfortunately for this person, that is untrue. If youre ready for it heres the real story. And its not pretty. In fall of 2013 I started nursing school. A few months later my first daughter was born. I am beyond blessed to have her. We were still making holsters although not really pushing the business. If someone came along we accommodated them in any way possible. This guy placed an order that we took and were on our way to making it. Unfortunately right after we took the order, November 2013, we lost our house, where I made all the holsters. In the blink of an eye I lost pretty much everything. In one night I had to move everything I owned into storage and friends places. The short reason why is we lost my fathers income and still battling that out in federal court to this day. We were continuously reassured that it would be settled and everything would be back to normal. I let this guy, Cheddar Bunny on Google+, know itd be a little longer than usual to get it made and he was ok with it. Well it took longer than I thought to get a shop back up and running. He claims I gave him excuse after excuse. No. I Gave him the truth. I was trying to set up a new shop so I could make his holster and many more. I even went so far as to offer to have one of my local competitors make it for him. He declined and wanted his money back. Once he asked for it back, I was happy to refund his money. I never spent it. It stayed in my paypal account the entire time. Even though I desperately could have used it at the time. About a month after he asked for the refund, I was able to set up shop at a friends house and start making holsters again. Some time around late May, early June of 2014. Could I have handled this differently? Probably so but, I did everything I possibly could with what I had. Although I still dont have a home, I do have whats important to me. My family, friends and everyone one of you that support us here at Redstone Concealment. My daughter is over a year old now and is the most precious thing in my life. Im lucky that her beautiful and wonderful mother has stuck by my side as we walked through Hell and back. Thanks to everyone!
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:38:06 +0000

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