Recently, the Parnassus Group asked Lee a series of questions in a - TopicsExpress


Recently, the Parnassus Group asked Lee a series of questions in a written interview, and he gave deeper insight into his personal strengths and struggles, how to lead the right way, how to squelch whiners and complainers on your team, and more. Click the link below for the entire interview, and here is one question that he answered - Q: What are some of the hardest parts about leading? As well as the most rewarding? A: I think I have a pretty clear picture about a lot of the issues of leadership. I haven’t seen a lot change in the last 20 or 30 years. A leader is always walking a tight rope. A leader should always feel a tension between mission and people, between results and relationships. There is a tension of feeling like you are being pulled to one side by your mission/goals and then by your people on the other side. That is where the rubber meets the road. You have to be able to work both sides of the coin. By nature, very few people are wired to do both. You are wired toward results by personality or toward relationships by personality. You have to get results to stay in business and accomplish the mission. You also have to take care of the people because if you don’t, you won’t have results. They are the ones doing a lot of the work and the ones fighting a lot of the battles. You have to figure out how to support them and keep their morale up, energized and inspired even in difficult times.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 17:05:01 +0000

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