Reconnoitering The Past (Or Confessions of an Academic - TopicsExpress


Reconnoitering The Past (Or Confessions of an Academic Reject) You really dont want to know anything about me. Including the 70 hours a week I spend parsing through material for free: everything you need for the American Presidency. I work investment banking hours for a pittance, for nothing, really but duty. I guess one has to pay their dues. Today I am skimming the Federalist Papers, which is strategy, and here is my ode in a way to the formal essay. CHVRCHES Night Sky is playing (it plays for a while until I try to go back to find that other song but its gone), before that Under The Tide, which describes my approaches. Paper #10 & #51, wow, essays like these can be effective in reasoning, in reasonably gaining audience so lets re or appropriate the technique shall we: well the partisanal order of business and its apparent arms or wings shall, are like antitrusting things that dismantling, would dissassemble the assembly it seems and create even more inefficiency than the reducing, in the weighing of the cost-benefit analysis the cost is more than it seems we can bear to take anyway, man doesnt much change externally perhaps by some force but it wouldnt be long for incipient starters to learn the war strategy and how to play the game, but as stated even more inefficiently, stragglers are much weakened; so the veterans. Ive got a ways to go for the formalised essay, so right now Ill stick to signalling underground and aboveground. (Ed Sheeran U.N.I. seems to play aptly into the following sequence) This past night it seems, well its not quite over yet per se here has revealed the shortest-lived gubernatorial consideration perhaps that ever was, well if you dont count those that ought never have been but well people were pretending while simultaneously knowing it wasnt the way to go. Way back in my public high school days, there was a position I ran for but I lost and as a result I had the opportunity to work alongside the other members who had won. I was never very smart. I call myself rather slow. Allegedly, it seems a member of the 1% which I consider to be at the $10 million net worth mark and above poked fun at my young aspiration to be a CPA. It seems he did or did not get to the point of revealing how that was a start to a seemingly arduous plan until death at age 65 when I planned out my life close to the end of high school, which involved law school, and MBA thrown in for good measure, working for a large commercial real-estate investment firm, eventually branching off in more personal investing including expertise lended to starting a private foundation with other board members with their own contributions of expertise and philanthropy efforts in mind. Hardly, was I like Bill Gates. Hardly, seemingly could I survive apart from the academia type of life. Unconventionally, here we find myself now. I hate it. I would preferably have taken a traditional route instead of that of some warped public artist, some kind that people just cant put down, and do. But how does this apply to you and what does this have to do with gubernatorial consideration. In a recent spat, I returned to the classrooms with mild preparation for some of the subject matter and I picked the themes picked up liminally and contextually on them, caught the conversation and then superseded the results. Basically, the broad scope, beyond: perhaps more expansive philosophical implications, resolutions and the like. After switching through a few times, I left. I would never be a good governor. It would bore me. Id rather be that cheerleading advisor that will work alongside you no matter which party you seem to be representing the interests of, which group of people, because well anyways you ought be serving the people. Oh, and Ill do it for free. Ill be like that superstar CEO, highly recruited but that gets paid nothing except for present and future social investment, dividends of living in duty, sustained in which. Ill even have my own entourage of a team of advisors, who will be paid for their work including consulting, which will be expansively connecting, as a result of such activities. An MP I think once said something to the effect that he was declining office, serving in such a public way, so that he could focus more on politics, and was it he was retiring from politics to do more politics. So perhaps I am an incipient policy superstar. I was always fond of the economist of the heyday, how you hang on to every word like the POTUS but even more shrewd. Of course, Ill have to be rich to afford public service philanthropy seemingly. Getting on anyone elses payroll seems to make like private contributions and owing people, plus if youre just a volunteer, but not any volunteer you seem less threatening and you can say what you like perhaps for the most part, but for the fear of economic-related tremblings. And I suppose if that period of life doesnt count as some kind of service nationwide because well being President is I hear not an entry-level position, well hopefully Ill gain the experience, and Ive done a bit of cheerleading with people in my time in the non-profit sector, personally lives. For right now though, youll find me paying my dues. Parsing and through. And one day if I survive perhaps I will be working with you, collaborating in the techniques and approaches to some decent review of implementation. At least now I dont have to worry about residency requirements. Strategically, providing support is more synergistically of an approach; I actually dont give a damn in that sense of co-opting, its really about helping get things done that ought be enacted, I suppose that might make a person (like a governor, or all governors) look good or bad depending on the seeming view (including view(s)) of the constituency. Whatever, it seems, and yet the formal essay still eludes me. Ill keep working if I do. Not that I do anything, really. I like collaborative efforts though I sift through shit all the time but theres sometime a usefulness to it, I take what I can and it exposes me to more acquisition terms in natural language and to the issues even if theyre discussed seemingly heavily unreasonably. I feel trapped in the body. But if I succumb to some shooting, not sure if Ill really ever be free. Dont you worry child see
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 08:43:19 +0000

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