Red Ink Flowing::The Release of Army Sergeant Bowe Berdahl Posted - TopicsExpress


Red Ink Flowing::The Release of Army Sergeant Bowe Berdahl Posted by Darwin Rockantansky on June 4, 2014 at 6:50am View Blog This criminal action by the Obama Regime is far more disturbing to us Veterans and our brothers and sisters currently serving in our uniformed services than anyone wants to talk about. CAUTION: The “punch line” to this article may cause nausea. This whole debacle is one of those things that just unhinges the mind. In an interview with a V.A. contracted psychologist, I was asked: “How do you catch PTSD?”. As God and my wife are my witnesses, that is an exact quote. And it is that very same detachment from reality that has allowed this criminal conspiracy to be propagated. And the details and facts of this entire sewer pipe are documentation of a deranged mind. Lets try to walk this mess down a timeline. According to more sources than I can name, Bowe Berdahl simply walked out on his unit and actively sought out the Taliban. That is the very definition of DESERTER and TREASON. But hold on there! When a “talking head” from the State Department was questioned in a press conference, we got the stalling typical of the Obama Regime; i.e. “We don’t have all the facts yet.” And when the reporter pressed the issue with assertions from many members of Bowe Berdahl’s that he in fact deserted, the response from the State Department talking head was: “I don’t think that’s the case.” Excuse me! Is this the Hillary Clinton legacy? Placing the opinions of bureaucrats in their air conditioned and very plush offices in Washington above those on the front they did in the case of Benghazi? Since Bowe Berdahl walked out on his unit (I prefer to believe multiple sources who were there), members of his unit, they were approached by military authorities and asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement. It has been my experience that when you wear the uniform, “asked” is a euphemism for “ordered”. One can only speculate as to why this would be done. My assumption is that our highly politicized military chain of command saw Mr. Berdahl’s desertion as a propaganda coup for the Taliban. It was and still is. The Obama Regime’s strangle hold on the press does not extend beyond the reach of the brutal arm of the IRS. And the conspiracy to defraud the American people in order to create a synthetic propaganda “win” for the Obama Regime continued to be formulated the entire time Mr. Berdahl was with the Taliban. According to some reports, Mr. Berdahl was a Private First Class (PFC) when he walked out on his fellow soldiers and given the timeline for his time in service, that would make sense. Yet he is being returned as a Sergeant. If the first fact (PFC) is true, then this person was “promoted” twice while with the Taliban. And why would this be done? Simply because as the Obama Regime wove the tale that they hoped would be a propaganda coup for them, they acknowledged that a “Sergeant” carries more highly regarded image than does a “private” in the tale they were weaving. This morning the Taliban released a video of Mr. Berdahl being handed over. The first thing the world noticed is that Mr. Berdahl did not appear to be suffering from rapidly failing health issues. But more significant to the video of the release there is an individual that I assume to be a member of the Taliban; he is the one with the black and white keffiyeh (head scarf). If you watch Mr. Berdahl’s interaction with this individual, their relationship does not appear to be that of prisoner and captor but more that of friends preparing to part ways one last time with smiles in both directions. And the Obama Regime was quick to point out that the apparent tears in Mr. Berdahl’s eyes were a result of dust or allergies. Yes, I know there will inevitably be much discussion about the “Stockholm Syndrome”, but if the State Department can choose to discount the testimony of several members of the Mr. Berdahl’s unit then I can choose to discount any references to the “Stockholm Syndrome”. And here is where the ridiculous becomes the absurd. The Obama Regime was hoping for a propaganda coup; hoping that “the return of one of our own” would outweigh the obvious violation of law and possibly treasonous act of releasing the Taliban Board of Directors. Now the battle lines have been drawn. Hero or traitor? Who will decide? A military court of inquiry? Or an Executive Order? Mr. Obama may be hesitant to resort to yet another illegal Executive Order, but then again, given the size of his ego I am not willing to bet on that option one way or the other. Given the “wussification” of our military, I do not know if there is enough courage left in our military chain of command to force an honest and open military court of inquiry and subsequent courts martial. And even if one were to occur, I have no confidence that the conclusions of such an effort would not be pre-defined by the Obama Regime. If Mr. Berdahl is not tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in Leavonworth to be followed by a dishonorable discharge, then there is no justice left in this country. If a charge of treason were to be brought, I would personally volunteer to be the executioner upon conviction. And if none of that were to occur? Then Mr. Berdahl will be entitled to: All back pay and allowances; to include combat pay and overseas pay. Full (100%) Veterans Administration disability instant award, possibly backdated to the day he walked out on his fellow soldiers. The long and short of it all is that Mr. Berdahl stands a very good chance of becoming a retired wealthy folk hero; all for the sake of the Obama image. Chew on that one America.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:30:29 +0000

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