Reflection and Journal for these 3 weeks Life is like a - TopicsExpress


Reflection and Journal for these 3 weeks Life is like a roller-coaster ride, it is full of ups and downs. These 3 weeks is one of most thrilling and enduring rides that I have experienced. After back from JLC, finished clearing my ACS, IPPT and now in the midst of doing my SOC with my buddies. Lets talk about my ups first; after my course from JLC, I was nominated to be involved in the CAT Term Facilitation and this was my 1st time doing real and actual teaching though my past many years in SAF, indirectly we will do some form of teaching and coaching. I am not sure whether is my trainees unlucky or is my good fortune that they have me as their Facilitator. It was interesting and wonderful experience to talk about Leadership Development with the young ones though majority of the time, there are some not paying attention but I still managed to deliver my lessons and play a part in influencing and shaping their values and thinking. At the end of it, I actually did have trainees who approached me on a side note to thank and apologise to me, for my sharing and commitment, and not listening attentively in class. Then I am appointed to be part of SAF MP Command Heritage Committee, I am privilege and honour to receive such this appointment to be part of the Committee. Though I have no experience at all, but with the Committee lead by SSM, I strongly believe that we will revamp our current Heritage Room into something that is uniquely to SAF MP Command. Finally, the last ups for this 3 week is receiving a Letter of Achievement from Commander SAF MP Command, signed by Chief of Army (COA) BG Perry Lim. This came as a total shock and surprise as I only know that during our quarterly CEP, when i saw my name as part of the award recipients. So when the time came for me to take up position, the MC gave some introduction and it was related to my JLC award. When I looked at the award, it was a congratulation letter signed by COA who was the Exco Chairman for NDP 2013, former 3rd Division Commander. I cited from a book (The Leader, The Teacher & You - Leadership Through the Third Generation by Siong Guan Lim with Joanne H. Lim) that I am currently reading purchased using the book vouchers that was awarded; Do not chase the rewards! Chase the opportunities. Rewards are what you get for today, while opportunities determine what you get for the future because opportunities determine what you get for the future because opportunities govern what you can get to do tomorrow. I will like to thank all the senior commanders who believe in me and for the award, in no order of merits: SAF, the organisation that I had worked close to 14 years; COA, for the congratulation letter and it is my privilege and honour to work with your NDP 2013 committee when you were the Exco Chairman; Commander SAF MP Command, for your far-sighted and a ground and listening leader; Command SM, for your rich experience and deep knowledge, caring for the WOSpec group; former Hd GS Choo Weng Nam, your late night consultation, extreme high and demanding standard in our work and empathy; Hd GS Liau Eng Guan, though I only know you before I went for my JLC and then now back to work, I too feel that you have the same standard like former Hd GS except for the late night portion; my direct boss Chiang Hock Yee, I knew you back when we were on the same modules during our Specialist Diploma in Learning Science, then with a twist of fate, you and I posted into GS Br at the same day, month and year, taking over new appointments, doing many new things, setting many parameters till now; Retired Commandant SAFDB Sim Philip Siong, thank you for the grooming and realising my potential but something cropped up, this did not dampen my faith but only strength my resilience; Command Ops WO Chew Kim Leng ARowana, thank you for reshaping and reaffirming my belief; my former 2 Policing Specs, maybe I failed to engage you deeper and may have indirectly caused any strain in the relationship, for this I sincerely apologies and seek for your forgiveness. There are too many to thank and seek forgiveness, please excuse me. Now is the time of my down but it actually belongs to my wife, Rachael Chew and it is affecting all of us. I do not blame her for it as I know and believe that she does not want this to happen to her too. 3 weeks back, she though she suffered from red eyes but it became worst, now is right eye viral conjunctivitis and left eye is uveitis. But I want to praise and thank the Lord for this obstacle as it indirectly show me the love and support of my parents and parents-in-laws, definitely not forgetting my siblings and friends. My parents and in-laws regardless of their hectic schedules, took precious time off, tiring themselves at such an age to care for my wife. I am deeply sorry and grateful for this; sorry that at such an age instead of enjoying life, you come down to help me without asking for any rewards nor complaints. I am grateful for the love and care that you have shown to my family. I prayed that the Lord bless and watch over you for good health and blessings. If there is any outstanding debts, please channel to my account, I will absorb for you, as no matter how much I did, it cannot be compare with the love and time you sacrifice. For my wife, I am thankful and grateful for your sacrifice and time in looking after the family when I was on course and it could be because of this that it may indirectly cause a strain in your health and it is time for you to rest and recuperate. Time for me to repay back for your love to me. Do join me in my small prayer: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done, in earth as it is heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine in the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen!
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 14:11:15 +0000

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