Reflection from the movie Jobs: Jobs success formula cannot be - TopicsExpress


Reflection from the movie Jobs: Jobs success formula cannot be simply duplicated. In real life his formula is high risk and will have very low success rate for most people in most situations, but high risk means high reward...his one of a kind personality, styles, logic, believes, convictions, approaches...means highly differentiated and if successful means breathtaking impacts and difficult to duplicate...just like those great artists or scientists... The key in understanding and appreciating Jobs story is not trying to be like him (less than 1 in a million success rate ! stop and reflect on those who have only fractions of Jobs unique characters and how they suffer or fail or rejected in life), but to appreciate and accommodate those unique people around us, and if we have some of those one of a kind elements in us which get us into troubles in life, we have to reflect on the cost and benefit of leveraging those uniqueness vs adapting to societys main stream expectations...dare to be different, but fully conscious of the potential risks and gains... nature is fair, and there are no free lunches in life...not everyone can or should be Jobs, and not many can have the same lucks he had, but we can learn plenty from his legendary story...
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 02:12:19 +0000

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