Reflections on Michael Pryor… my dearest brother… - TopicsExpress


Reflections on Michael Pryor… my dearest brother… MojoPo… A year ago tonight my phone rang and seeing that it was a call from Michael’s phone I happily answered “Michael P! What’s happening Brother?”… but it wasn’t Michael… it was someone calling from his phone… from his home on Franklin Street… telling me that Michael had been discovered to be unresponsive in his bathtub and apparently not breathing, that the paramedics were there trying to revive him, and that he was going to be transported to the ER at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. I made the call to get his son, Orion, to the ER right away, and in the ensuing 30 minutes spoke with the ER doctor and with Orion twice as Michael’s glorious spirit realized it’s transcendence from Michael’s physical body. In shock, I threw a few things in a bag, jumped in my car here in Kirksville, Missouri, and took a seemingly endless drive to the ER in Omaha where Michael’s body lay… I spent over an hour with his body with my hand on his hand… his chest… his face… reflecting on the wonder of my relationship with my brother… my closest confidant and best friend spanning my entire life. I embrace a deeper respect and love for Michael than I expect anyone to understand… a personal bond forged by a lifetime of shared experiences unparalleled by any other being I have ever known. A multitude of adventures, of living life fully, of laughing, of loving, of being in wide-eyed wonder, of crying, of being afraid, of being amazed, of being thankful, and on numerous occasions, of standing side-by-side while looking death in the eye. So now it’s come full circle and Michael has preceded us to the other side of this existence to join the others that preceded him including his mother and father, his sister Micki, and numerous others he held closely in his heart as members of his extended family. I continue to reflect daily on the significance of Michael’s spirit and wonderful presence through the years to me and to the many others who were touched so deeply by him… he continues to come and speak with me in my dreams… he did last night! I celebrate MojoPo’s spirit daily and am happy for him as he continues to soar… Fly on Brother Michael... Fly on!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:07:14 +0000

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