Reflections on Third Sunday after the Epiphany Helen Keller, - TopicsExpress


Reflections on Third Sunday after the Epiphany Helen Keller, 20th century: I must not just live my life; I will not just spend my life. I will invest my life. Francis de Sales, 16th century: In the quest to know God, may we do ordinary things extraordinarily well. e.e. cummings, 20th century: Bon Dieu! may I some day do something truly great. amen. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 19th century: Alas for those who never sing and die with all their music left in them. John Buchanan, 21st century: [T]he world and the church are changing more rapidly than we can comprehend…some things are the same: the world and the church desperately need [our] energy, imagination, passion, impatience, intelligence, and love…one of the great biblical themes is that God calls…all of us to walk into the future without knowing exactly where we are headed, to let go of old securities and certainties and trust the God who promises to be with us wherever we go.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 20:06:21 +0000

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