Remember, Repent, and Return! Advance teaching article: “In - TopicsExpress


Remember, Repent, and Return! Advance teaching article: “In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judea. And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” Matthew 3: 1-4 John cried out in the wilderness for the people of God to repent. His message was to “Prepare ye the way of the LORD.” He was telling the pioneers – the people of God – to make straight their paths and remove all hindrances to obeying God fully. There was a new expression of order that God was about to usher into the earth – the New Covenant founded on Jesus Christ. John prepared the people by water baptism - referred to as “a baptism of repentance,” or “John’s baptism.” . The clutter of sin was removed, and the “house” of people’s hearts was swept clean and ready for Jesus to reside there. We must prepare for His presence! We must clear away the clutter of busyness, and distractions from our lives to make room for the Spirit of God to dwell there once again. In John’s time, the people prepared their hearts for Jesus by repenting of their ways and taking on God’s ways. Preparing for the Way of the Lord The word “way” in the text above means “A road; a progress (the route, act or distance); figuratively, a mode or means; metaphorically, a course of conduct, a way (that is, manner) of thinking, feeling, deciding.” Make room for God in your life, because He is about to show up and show off! But how do I do this? How do I “prepare for the presence of God”? “Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first.” REV. 2:5 In the Scripture, Jesus is speaking to the church at Ephesus, who once was intense and in love with Jesus. They had lost their first love. This Scripture reveals the three steps to preparing for His presence: remember, repent and return. First, we remember. Sometimes we get so on fire for God, and then over time, the fire burns out. Events of life crashing against us like huge waves, busyness, and demonic attack can wear us out. Satan comes to try to wear out the saints. There needs to be a movement back to the point of departure; a going back to the original position we were in before life jaded us or before sin crept in. “Remember from where you have fallen.” Second, repent. Repent means to “turn around, change one’s mind and purpose, as the result of or after knowledge.” It means we do a 180̊ - we turn and go the opposite way, sometimes because of acquiring new knowledge. There is a difference between becoming jaded and gaining Biblical wisdom on life’s journey. We must throw out any worldly attitudes we’ve picked up from our atmospheres and turn wholeheartedly to God’s truth. Third, we must return. This word “return” implies tracing back along a path already traversed. The Word says to “do the deeds you did at first.” When you first fell in love with Jesus, did you used to pray, fast and give? What were your disciplines then? Return to your original position. If you have recently given your heart to Jesus Christ, and recently come to know Him, this is your chance to establish a steadfast posture; your original position. Tear out anything the world planted in you in your former life, and replace it with Gods truth. God is about to pour out of His Spirit in unprecedented ways. You do not want to miss it! We must prepare for His presence by remembering our fire and zeal for Him and all that He has done for us; repenting of worldly attitudes and sin that have crept in; and by returning to our first love – Jesus Christ who saved us and delivered us from death. We are preparing for the presence of God to pour into our lives and use us in unusual, amazing ways for His glory! We will see the harvest He desires to bring in! We must prepare for His presence! Amen!
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 02:14:37 +0000

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