~~Renees latest update - please take a moment to read and consider - TopicsExpress


~~Renees latest update - please take a moment to read and consider :) Grasping a dream…come with me Naes Nest — April 9, 2014 — Leave a comment I went for a chemo treatment this past Tues. However, my bloodwork wasn’t good. My cancer count keeps going up. It appears I am now immune to chemo. After a person has been on chemo for a period of time, it is common for the body to develop an immunity. As a result, I did not have the treatment. Instead, I will have a cat scan tomorrow afternoon. My prognosis gets worse and worse. This has been a slow process for me. I’ve been fighting cancer 6 years. If not for my writing, I would go mad with depression. Writing gets my mind off the negative. It puts me in a world I create. Even if that world is dark, I am fighting the cancer monster and with a great sword I slice him in half and win the war. Much of my poetry is filled with this beast. My tears flow through my words and form into a fairytale of sorts. Recently, we have been having some problems with our medical coverage which both scares and depresses me. With a fear of losing my insurance, I fear my will to fight will go as well. I do not want to create enormous bills, especially when I know treatment is only prolonging my life, not saving it. (Although, I still hope) I come to you with my dream. My dream has always been the same, and now I have taken the steps needed to accomplish it. My dream is almost in my grasp. This is where I need you. I ask you to please purchase my books. I have kept the prices as low as I can. I may need to money for future medical bills. However, my dream has always been to “make it” as an author. I need sales and reviews. Please. Below is what you can do to help. The eBooks are $1.99. However, I recommend to anyone interested in my children’s books to seriously consider the paperback copy. (Hardback will be out at a later date, God willing). I believe a child would prefer to have a book to hold. As an extra thrill, I’ve included coloring pages of the characters in the back of every child’s book. “My Mommy”, which is a book about Mother’s Day is also a greeting card of sorts. Mother and child can read the book together. The child will feel good delivery a Mother’s Day message to mom and coloring a Mother’s Day picture to match and give to Mom for the occasion. Today, my newest child’s book was published (eBook only for now, but paperback probably will be released tomorrow). The book “Granny Has A Whisker” is the first of a series about grandparents and growing old. It is a humorous take on some of the changes the elderly go through. The series encourages the child to ask questions, to use imagination, and to relieve fear. This book paired up with “The Bunny Tale” would be ideal for an Easter Basket. amazon/dp/B00JKPDAHG My Granny has a really long whisker. It is so long, I can use It to jump-rope. It is so long, I can use it to water ski. Sometimes it pokes me in the eye, I don’t like that. Granny’s story is told in rhyme just like Dr. Seuss! Granny also slipped some coloring pages in the back so everyone can color the both of us. Isn’t that cool? I Have the bestest Granny in the world. You might think so too if you read her story. Excerpt: Granny has a whisker on her chin. It sticks straight out just like a pin. It poked me in the eye When I gave her a kiss, so I gave it a yank. I couldn’t resist.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 22:22:04 +0000

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