Repost HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE 1. First, God became man and - TopicsExpress


Repost HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE 1. First, God became man and became a servant of man perfecting humility. We cannot see truth without humility we also cannot learn if we have already said we know. If you look at the Bible in order to reject Catholic Truth than you will never find what the Bible truly has to offer. 2. Philosophy is the study of God up to the limits of human capacity; Theology is the spiritual gift of wisdom to man from God in which through Christ he teaches us his image and likeness. Philosophy is a stepping stone to theology. Peter said always give reason for the faith that is in us. We start this process of reason with a sound foundation of what the bible is and is not. The bible is not a talisman nor is it a magic eight ball. The Bible does not interpret itself but declares that the church is the pillar and foundation of truth therefore the final arbiter on what the bible truly expresses. We began with the wisdom of man, in order to put together the abstract and contemplate the Wisdom of God. God has written the Book of science therefore transcends science we have to open our hearts to God in order to transcend the confines of the material in order to get just a small glimpse of his truths which are in their fullness infinitely beyond human capacity. 3. The Bible is written by man but through the inspiration of God and does not conform to mans linear process of thinking but since God is a Triune God, God created a Triune mystery in the Bible. Since God is outside of the concept of time then the mysteries contained in the Bible are understood through the context of being outside of the concept of time. All three persons of God speak through the Bible. Even the soul of the church speaks through the scriptures; the bride of Christ. The Bible should not be looked at as something that can be played one note at a time. It should be looked at as chords that create a complete sonata incorporating the Old Testament images with the New Testament realities which are experienced or connected to the eternal causes outside of time in heaven. “What is bound on earth shall be bound in heaven.” 4. Example: One example of this is Gods church. It is seen as type in the Old Testament meeting tent in which the Israelites lived out this type. The laver of washing was in front of the tent in which the priest must wash in before entrance into the first area called the Holies. Entrance through the veil into the Holy of Holies was not possible without the shedding of blood which must be brought with the priest into the Holy of Holies. Before they enter the Holy of Holies they are covered with the blood of the sacrifice. In the New Testament of Christ’s body and blood the washing is fulfilled in Baptism. The priest did not enter into the holies until he was first washed. Those of the New Testament priesthood do not enter into the church until they receive Baptism in which their souls are cleansed from the stain of the seed of the devil. “I was born in iniquities in my mother’s womb” Psalms 50. The bride is prepared for the bride groom and iniquity” and washed white as snow. In the heavenly reality this same Baptism is required for entrance into heaven. “Nothing unclean can get into heaven”. Entering the church is the first step in the process of entering heaven. The Eucharist the cross and the water that flowed out of the side of Christ which is baptism is Jacobs’s ladder. As the priests who sacrificed types for Christ brought the blood of the types for Christ into the Holy of Holies, the royal priesthood of the New Testament; the royal priesthood refined in gold (Baptism) participates in the wedding feast of the lamb the sacrifice of the mass and consumes the Eucharist so that we may enter the Holy of Holies through the blood of Christ. The true Passover feast. “Christ our true Passover has been sacrificed let us keep the feast. “ In type the Israelites in order to be released from slavery in Egypt killed an unblemished Lamb (Christ) cooked this Lamb and consumed the entire Lamb in order to attain salvation from Egypt. The blood on the door posts and the lentil is the sign of the cross in which the angel after seeing past over, it is a symbol of the gateway into the church and through baptism also the heavenly reality. Those inside the homes as a prerequisite for the angel of death to Passover consumed the entire Lamb and were seen united to the Lamb by the angels of death, flesh of its flesh and blood of its blood “The life’s force is in the blood”; therefore they escaped death as the soul escapes death through uniting itself to God through being washed in Baptism and uniting itself to Christ in the Eucharist. The glorified flesh of Christ entered heaven, the gates of heaven have a key, and it is called the flesh of Christ. “Unless you are born of water and spirit you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”. ‘Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you will have no life in you”. It is the spirit that gives life not the human flesh of the man but the Glorified flesh of God. The Holies is where we meet after baptism where we share the true Lamb the Eucharist; it is the church the mystical body the veil in front of the Holy of Holies; heaven. Paul calls the veil the flesh of Christ “I make up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ”. The father in the Holy of Holies sees through the veil before he sees the sins of the world. The City on the Hill, Mount Zion, The New Jerusalem, The eternal kingdom of David keeps the veil before the eyes of God so that sins will be continued to be expiated and salvation can continue on earth. ‘From the rising of the sun until its setting my name is great among the gentiles”…and a perfect offering is offered by the Gentiles”. Through the veil we share in Christ’s mediation that is not possible without the blood. And we commune with the souls in heaven that share the same blood the same Glorified blood of God. The same glorified God eternally feeds the souls of the living. “Taste the goodness of the Lord”. The spirits of the just made perfect. The church triumphant in heaven. We are called to be the family of God. A family shares a table a family shares flesh and blood. Strangers are questioned at the door family is not. 5. The Bible should be read from the perspective of the eternal soul and the effects the events and words have on the eternal soul which is the only thing that matters in this brief moment of time compared to eternity. 6. Our present reality is designed around salvation through faith and charity as an action; an outpouring of that faith, but there appears to be seven minor ages of time and three major ages of time that follow different laws. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th for an age. Three ages 777 the salvation of the cross through the Trinity 3 effects and redeems them all. · The First age of time was from creation to the flood story. In this age man communicated freely with God, angels, and fallen angels and fallen angels came to man in many forms and made man worship them as gods creating paganism on earth. · The second age started after the flood during the time of Noah when God said Behold I make things new. In the second age due to original sin established in the first, mans hearts were hardened and God established strict laws with strict punishments in order to save man from his own sins. The souls are what matter. These penalties and effects can be looked at as what happens to our souls; the damage that we do to them when we sin. Due to the lack of presence of the Holy Spirit in the second age demons had almost as much free reign as the first age. They came to man in their dreams and through sibyls directed the courses of nations through pagan kings. They heard the words of the prophets and created half truths to hide Catholic truths . They did this in order to confuse the truths of the final age. In the second age through paganism they relentlessly attacked Gods people until they succumbed and even started sacrificing their children to Satan through the pagan image of Moloch. · The third age is the age of faith. The farther we look into the heavens the farther God will push back the stars. The third age starts with Pentecost, the birth of the church which was infused by the Holy Spirit which placed the foot of the woman on the head of Satan and suppressed the magicians and sent the weaker demons into hiding who became blinded by the light of the Eucharist and all those who have consumed the true Lamb. The grace that spread out from the church spread throughout the entire world and affected every living being. In this age the laws were written on our hearts and due to the love of God the punishments became more internal than external. WE were also given the capacity to love abundantly but now so is our capacity for sorrow. The more that is given the more that will be required of you. Those closest to God experience dark nights of the soul and look at this world as a foreign place and like moths hunger for the light of the flame. In this age you are no longer under the law but our salvation comes through our faith and our new capacity to love and be Christ on earth. In this age Christ fulfilled the meeting tent through Baptism and the Eucharist in which through we become Emanuel which created the consequence of the mystical body the eternal church the mountain of God which has taught charity to the world as an extension of God on earth. “Come let us go to the mountain of the Lord” “and the spirit and the bride say come!” Christ has no body now but yours. 6 The Old Testament is fulfilled in the new you are no longer under the Old Laws of circumcision and sacrificing Bulls and ritual washing but under the New laws of Baptism the Eucharist and the church. Peter tells us that Paul’s letters are hard to understand and the unlearned can read them to their own demise. When you look at Paul’s letters keep in mind the fulfillment of the Old Laws. When Paul says you are no longer under the law he is talking about the Old mosaic laws not the New Testament Laws. Christ said I have not come to abolish the Laws but to fulfill them, to make the types into their heavenly realities. He said heaven and earth will pass away but not one word of the law will. So do not think that when Paul says you are no longer under law but you are saved by grace he is saying you need no church and no religion and no baptism and no Eucharist and all you need to do is believe. This understanding is a tradition of man that was created after 1500 years of piety. The new law of grace is freedom from original sin and all sins to the point of baptism through dying to the Old man Adam and rising inthe new Adam in Christ. Circumcision which is a sign of being kin in the family of God has been raised to its heavenly reality, but sins can return like a demon who leaves the host and returns bringing back twelve more of his kind. “I chastise my body into submission”. “I run the race to win”. “Be perfect as I am perfect” “You will not get out until you have paid the last penny” “There is sin unto death”. 7 When you read the Bible understand that the New Testament was written during a time of persecution. The church was born into persecution the church is the greatest enemy of Satan and will be attacked, vilified, shamed, confused and hidden until the eternal age when it will be transformed into its heavenly reality on earth. During this time of persecution what was dearest and what was sacred to the church was either placed cryptically in scripture or was completely left out. This is one of the reasons Paul says to Timothy hold fast to the traditions oral and written, this is one of the reasons when Paul in Hebrews 9 starts to describe the truths of the heavenly realities he stops and says “I cannot tell you this now”. You do not give a war map to the enemy nor do you give the understanding of the mysteries of God that transcend all Philosophy to the Romans and Pharisees. The Apostles believed that Jesus was the second person of the Trinity and fully God and fully man. They believed that Mary was the fulfillment of the Ark of the Covenant that carried the word (Ten Commandments) the Eucharist (The manna) and the cross (Aarons staff that budded). Mary is the Mother of the Eucharistic Christ whom Christ’s flesh and blood was formed from than glorified. The same glorified flesh and blood that we partake of in the Eucharist. “Mother what is there between me and thee?” nothing we even share the same flesh and blood. This makes her our mother through the Eucharist. The Ark was the source of power for the Israelites Mary whom God touched for nine months physically making her the most Holy place on earth is the Queen mother of the church, and the pons , rooks nights and bishops protected her with their very lives. In the mystical body of Christ through the immaculate heart of Mary Luke
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 20:12:17 +0000

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