Request for your support: As-salaamu alaykum (peace be with you) - TopicsExpress


Request for your support: As-salaamu alaykum (peace be with you) brothers, sisters and friends. Many of you who have been following my work may have noticed some changes in the way I interact and engage with others. I believe (and hope!) that I have started that critical transformation from that young man who at times allowed his passion to overwhelm him to someone who sincerely seeks to positively and compassionately engage with others. Take some of my discussions and debates with academics as examples. My debate with Professor Lawrence M. Krauss although positive and engaging at times, didnt truly represent the Islamic ethic of constructive, sincere and compassionate dialogue. This also applies to my discussion with Professor Pervez Hoodbhoy. While discussing religion and rationality the professor left the auditorium after I expressed that he hated the Muslim world. Notwithstanding this, I believe I have changed my approach. The question is, why? The main reason is because I have started attending some of Shaykh Dr. Akram Nadwis seminars on the Quran and hadith (I intend to attend as many as possible). For example, going through Surah Ar-Rahman and Surah Yusuf have really changed the way I approach the Quran and other people. The Shaykhs depth, humility, intellect and character are beyond anything I expected, mashaAllah. His seminars have helped me transform my approach from being an individual who has allowed his passion to over take him to someone who sincerely wants to be a manifestation of Allahs intense mercy. Take for instance my discussion on consciousness with Professor Peter Simons ( I engaged with the professor with humility, good manners, and compassion, without really compromising on my natural passion. Alhamdoulilah (all praises and gratitude belong to Allah). I even embraced the Professor and gave him a gift. As a direct result of this exchange he sent me an undeserved endorsement ( Why am I asking for your support? The main reason I have presented the above is because I want to show you how importance of Shaykh Dr. Nadwis work. Shaykh Dr. Nadwi has been running part time courses and seminars for the past four years in the UK and online worldwide. These courses and seminars are taught mainly by Shaykh Dr. Nadwi, who is a reputed, prolific Islamic scholar and thinker. The success of these seminars and short courses led to the establishment of the Cambridge Islamic College. Established in early 2014 under the deanship of Shaykh Dr. Nadwi, the College started two part-time diploma programmes – Diploma in Introduction to Classical Islamic Texts and Diploma in Arabic Language & Islamic Studies. Alhamdulillah, the Islamic Texts Diploma met with phenomenal success with over 200 students enrolled from more than 50 cities around the world. The Arabic and Islamic Studies Diploma is receiving a similar response since it’s launch last month. 400 enrolments are expected by the start of the programme in October. These courses are precursors to the ‘Alimiyyah Degree programme that the College is planning to start in October of 2015. However, in order to be able to run the ‘Alimiyyah Degree programme and other future courses, they need to secure premises. I am appealing to the all of you to help raise funds for the premises by pledging £50,0000, £25,000, £10,000, £5,000, £2,000 or £1,000. For more information please access this link May Allah bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 10:56:33 +0000

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