Resolution CNS. FRAGMENTS OF A RESOLUTION OF THE NATIONAL PROWIDU Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) 22.VI.1990 taken. /W.Poliszczuk The bitter truth - OUN-UPA criminality - Toronto 1995 - pp. 372-379 / The resolution contains 60 pages of the manuscript. This includes a variety of contemporary issues, including the ratio of the CNS as the vanguard of the Ukrainian people - to Poland and Polish people. Orders to spread the cult of Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych - Czuprynki and the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky the commemoration in towns and villages monuments, and broadcasting their name schools, streets and squares. In the event of resistance or opposition to the current government to use physical force, getting rid of a large number of Muscovites who pollute our land. If even a reluctance to apply method, proven by the UPA on the Poles. CNS is used as the vanguard of the people all the political parties and committees of the Ukrainian Orthodox Catholic Church, whose priests promote CNS. Under the provisions of the National Prowidu zwczesniejszymi every Ukrainian family in the diaspora pay 1,000 dollars. US Fund Liberation of Ukraine. Losing the movement of elections in Ukraine is considered a death Ukrainianism on the Dnieper. Polish Affairs: 1. Ukraine, with particular emphasis on areas of Western Ukraine; 2. in the Diaspora; 3. in Poland, with particular emphasis on Ukraine Zacurzońskiej. 1. We support the efforts of liberation hot Baltic nations, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, we support the efforts of liberation Moldovans, Georgians and Armenians. We sympathize with the struggle for freedom fraternal Belarusian people, bearing in mind that it is derived from our Ukrainian socket - Kievan Rus and for that slot should be back in the future. ... With the post-communist Polish relations should be maintained friendly and on a reciprocal basis. In order not to irritate the Poles and the government should give them some power in Ukraine in terms of faith, culture and education, while ignoring that these concessions have not gone too far. Poles ruled organize politically. First of all Poles impose our point of view on history and on the Ukrainian-Polish relations. Do not allow to proclaim that Lviv, Ternopil, Stanislawów Krzemieniec et al. ever played the role of Polish cultural centers. It has always been centers of Ukrainian culture. The Poles did not play the smallest role in them, and this is what they preached today be classified to the Polish chauvinistic propaganda. Polish Youth draw a patriotic actions related to the patriotic anniversaries - including celebrities associated with the history of the UPA. This will not only undermine the faith in the Polish state propaganda, but also lead to imminent ukrainization Polish Polish youth Undaunted propaganda lies regarding UPA. Concessions on the Polish education and culture make similar concessions granted by the Ukrainians in Poland. Proclaiming that live in Poland one million Ukrainians, Poles impede the restoration of the cemetery Eaglets, but not aggressively so as not to give them into the hands of the international asset propaganda that our efforts for entry into Europe are not sincere (the idea is that the cemetery is the graveyard Eaglets military, then in accordance with the international conventions is under the protection of international law). Returning to depend on the Poles churches Ukrainians in Poland donation of church facilities and above all devotion by Polish Catholic Church Ukrainian Greek Catholic Cathedral in princely bulkheads Przemysl. It would not hurt this fact combined with the Poles returning the church of St. Elizabeth in Lviv and Ternopil church buildings Stanisławowo. You can not under any circumstances allow the revived Polish hierarchy, or return to our lands Polish bishops. This could mean danger for the future revival in Ukraine (west) of the undesired of Polish and Polish chauvinism with political ambitions. Latin rite in Ukraine Ukrainian Orthodox subordinate Catholic hierarchy and the patriarch of the seat on the Saint. Jura Tue Lviv. Prepare and regularly replenish inventories Poles living in Ukraine and especially in Western Ukraine. These inventories and address) will serve on the Strict control of their actions. Knowing the history of the Polish underground and abilities can not be excluded that in the future Zech conspire against samostijnej Ukraine. It is also possible that they will be in Poland revisionist forces that wish to receive the Ukrainians Lviv. Helpful in this may be just konspirujący Poles. Therefore, in the near future, when Ukraine will get rid of their own Communists, reveals the Poles should take an oath of loyalty and allegiance samostijnej Ukraine. Should do the same Polish priests, monks and nuns. Do not obstruct the Poles Polish migration to permanent residence, but they facilitate. Let us remember that the eternal purpose of the Ukrainians and the chief of the CNS was depolonizacja lands inhabited by several generations of Poles. Making it easier than trips to the Polish, simultaneously facilitate the temporary contacts with relatives and friends in Poland. Young people who are visiting relatives or friends in Poland, impede access to higher education. In general, studies limit the Poles and does not allow for a strong layer of intelligence. Oppose closer to all Poles and Russians both in Ukraine and Poland, to incite hostility of Poles to the Russians, and vice versa, keeping in mind that the strict Russian-Polish alliance is a serious threat to Ukraine and its territorial integrity ... 2. We have many good examples of past joint Ukrainian-Polish martial proceedings against communism. These good traditions should be cultivated by strengthening ties with those organizations that have a realistic approach to the Ukrainian-Polish relations. Show that in a common struggle against communism Ukrainians were active and inspiring site. In other words, to recognize leadership Poles Ukrainians. Polish eliminate all attempts to condemn the UPA for alleged abuse of the Poles. Show that the UPA not only maltreated Poles, but on the contrary, she took them in defense against the Nazis and Bolsheviks. Poles were also in the UPA. Mordy, which you can not deny it, the work of the Soviet partisan entities or loose band, with which the UPA had nothing in common, belittling the role of liberating the UPA at the European level is unacceptable. Every effort to strive for that in our various contacts with Poles Polish party admitted that these were examples of burning villages and killing Ukrainian Ukrainians by the Army, to show the similarity between the UPA and AK, emphasizing the superiority in every respect UPA over AK. To force the Poles to antyukraińskich granting shares condemnation by themselves and by the recovery of pacification before the war and the shameful operations Wisła after the war. All of these actions have brought much suffering and blood of the people of Ukraine. Emphasize this in the messages, which necessarily must be published in foreign languages, especially English, German, French, Spanish and Russian. Seek to ensure that meaningful factors Polish exile waived any intentions and thoughts reclaiming towards Ukraine and the Ukrainian case Zacurzońskiej (Zasanie, Chelm, Podlasie and Łemkowszczyzna) left open, suggesting that it will be resolved to the benefit of both sides by national governments samostijnej fully sovereign states of Ukraine and the post-communist Polish. In such a position is already Polish Confederation of Independent. This organization and its people should be encouraged. In the same spirit should mold Polish public opinion abroad, through Polish organizations and are in Polish hands means. To do penetrate into the Polish organizations where possible and promote our point of view, patiently but persistently, gaining ground among the Poles, and where is the most appropriate, do not regret the Fund for the Liberation of Ukraine. Buy a Polish radio broadcasts and place in Polish newspapers. Climb to the Polish editorial teams. Discussions conducted in the spirit of heroism UPA and not challenged Ukrainity Zacurzońskiej Ukraine with its capital in princely bulkheads Przemysl. 3. Present day Poland is experiencing its rebirth, which is the driving force of the world movement known as Solidarity. This movement has achieved worldwide fame as the seedbed of communism in the world. This review of the Solidarity hurt us and we do not need. Our propaganda should go towards demonstrating that Solidarity was not the driving force, but the UPA, which inspired the anti-communist forces to act. Bolszewo UPA fought with more than 10 years and her spirit alive never extinguish. UPA Spirit impregnated Solidarity to act. So should every Ukrainian reason, the same should argue the world and we have the world in this help, otherwise our glory again assign themselves Poles. The ratio of healthy Ukrainian forces to present the Polish reality should be varied and depend on our interests. Poland is Ukraine needs as an ally of the Soviet Union to break down. For this purpose, should be encouraged in Poland all forces all smacks of anti-Russian. Katyn, deportations to Siberia, the crimes of the NKVD and the UB. This state of affairs diverts attention from the UPA Poles that Polish Communists falsely presented the Polish nation, not as an armed national liberation movement, but as a gang. Emphasize forcefully, with full Polish liberation is not possible without samostijnej Ukraine (see Michnik). This means the full trust of Poles in anti-Moscow Ukrainians policy, will allow them to complete bezkrytycyzm and their full involvement on our side. This involvement will help to strengthen the position of Ukraine and the weakening of Polish, which will in the future Polish state subordinate Ukrainian national interests. The most urgent task for the near future: to bring this to the Polish authorities unilaterally granted (should declare) that the terms of independent Ukraine does not stand out and not put forward in the future no territorial claims, and renounce all claims to the lands lost to the east by the Soviet invasion made in the occupied territories of Poland Ukrainian September 17, 1939. Such a declaration if it is, should be strongly propagate in different languages. It is very important for our future moves. For our part we admit the validity of such a position by stating that the issue of borders, which paved without our participation (ie. Polish and Ukrainian) unfair Yalta agreement (not to speak of harm Whose matter) should be handled in the future by the governments of sovereign states, Ukraine and Polish. But when he comes to it, we will read the word unilateral statement: yes, you do not have to have territorial claims and can not, but we have them. Poles because they realize that yet occupy part of the historical and ethnographic Ukrainian lands and not vice versa. Thus, the fair thing would be for the Ukrainian-Polish reconciliation Ukrainians return lands which we are called Zacurzońską Ukraine. Then, when we compare these two facts, it is not the world we admit Poland right. It is also important at the present time place on the agenda so. Wisla action. Strive to be stood on the forum of the Polish parliament, and that the Poles themselves have condemned it as genocidal. The initiator of the case can not be wet, but one of the Poles. Allocate at 15-20 thousand. USD. Once this happens is this news with our comments relevant original foreign .. should work around the world. Polish initiate rallies condemning the crimes committed against the Ukrainian nation by various foreign organizations. Our comment for this should refer to the oppression of Polish pre-war Polish occupation of the territory of the Ukrainian lands (Zamojszczyzna, pacification, liquidation and szkolnicywa. Culture, national oppression), famous UPA action in the fight against Germany and communism in Bolszewii and Poland. Noted that the Poles themselves pay homage to the heroic UPA predecessors Solidarity, the communist condemn the action Wisła abuse of the Ukrainian people. Ukrainity show Zacurzonii according to foreign outlined by the OUN-UPA. In this spirit, lead propaganda for the historicity and etnograficzności Ukrainian lands currently occupied by Poland, but about which of the determination of the Polish communist authorities UPA fought -Once the patriotic forces of the Polish WIN. It follows that the patriotic forces Pokki recognize the role of the UPA and its right to the land Zacurzonii. Strongly emphasize that this is the position of Polish patriotic forces today. Mute everything that divides us, including the negative look at the UPA. Also emphasize that the same is also the position of the Pope and prove that if he did not admit that the wet nagordy them. John Paul II for the promotion of friendship between the Polish and Ukrainian. Raise a Ukrainian award for articles published in Universal Weekly and sign and the propaganda of the world] proclaim that they represent the healthiest forces of the Polish nation, which only Europe can orient. The issue of revolutionary CNS - vanguard of the Ukrainian people - there should be always present. Proclaim the truth the more famous historical events (Grunwald, Vienna, Warsaw 1920, Monte Cassino), noting that there victories were attributed mainly the work of Ukrainians and Poles do not. Poles played a secondary role in them. Strongly argue with antyukraińskimi views on history BUSINESS UPA - E. Prus, W. Hraniewskiegp, J. Sobiesiak, H. Cybulski, by Father. Kuczynski, J. Jastrzębowski, W. Romanowski, J. Popiel, M. Fijałki, by Father. Szetelnicki, J. Gietrycha, Z. Albert, A. Olive, W. Kalabińskiego, J. Hungarian, S. Myślińskiego, M. Juchniewicz, W. Shota, J. Turowski, Siemaszko and j. Seret. This is best done with a pen as the Poles, among whom there are people mercenary (promise high fees and stypednia abroad). It is the mastery of some Polish magazines, including Semper Fidelis, Yes and no, and others. Go to the authorities of the Eastern Archive, infiltrate the Main Commission for Investigation of Nazi Crimes (GKBZHwP), disturb Ukrainians in collecting incriminating material from the events of World War II, does not allow to publish incriminating materials Ukrainian nationalism revolutionary CNS. Assemble strictly confidential list of persons (names and addresses) hostile to the revolutionary movement. Assemble a list of Poles who are favorable to the revolutionary CNS. Letters, as important documents of state to provide the National Prowidowi. Strive by all means and ways to rebuild the Ukrainian character Zacurzonii stressing that Ukraine has never samostijna of these lands will not give up and not the right time for a rebuke. If the Poles will insist that Ukraine against them without the slightest hesitation will use military force. Bring to a refund of the Polish Church Cathedral Ukrainian princely bulkheads Przemysl. There should be in the Ukrainian Catholic Church bishopric and should settle the Ukrainian orders. Support politically, morally and financially Foundation them. s. Vladimir the Baptist, founded in Krakow by Wet. Do not expose the role wet, so as not to hinder his parliamentary activity. We are interested in the program of the foundation, which refers to the accumulation of evidence of the crimes committed against the Poles, the Ukrainian nation during the last war and the first years after the war (Action Wisła). In our propaganda to show that the basis of the Vatican Foundation is a gift donated by Father s. Greek Catholic pastoral activities. If there are objections from certain circles of Ukrainian or Polish, then proclaim to the whole world, with Poles are pseudokatolicy and act against the wishes of the Pope. Using the name of the Holy Father. gradually lead to the transformation of the Ukrainian Institute Foundation, and eventually to the establishment of this institute on the basis of the Ukrainian University in Cracow. (As dosniosły oststnio media such university to be established in Lublin. And why not in Lviv? - PJ) Before the war, the Poles would not allow for the opening of the Ukrainian University in Lviv, and we impasse any resistance and summon a Ukrainian Uniwerystet in the ancient capital of Polish. Do not care for the strength of Polish and now does not depend on the contrary, its weakening domestic and international. We are anxious that in Poland there was poor internal service (and led by people we życzyliwych) and weak, sparse army. Also we want to split the Polish people and the weakening of Solidarity. It is therefore within the nation foster Polish regional seperatyzmy: Upper Silesians, Kashubians, Highlanders. Please do it in a way as it did pre-war Polish Polish alms with the Ukrainians, Poleszukami, Hucułami and Lemkos. Foster national activity Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews, Czechs, Slovaks, and especially the Germans. Attempts to determine the inhibition of dynamism as oppression, lack of democracy and Polish insincerity in proclaiming slogans of equality and freedom. Do not allow the approximation of the Polish-German. Emphasize the timeliness of the slogan As the world exists, there will be a Pole German brother. All of this is designed to weaken Polish and in the future even lead to a complete decomposition of the Polish state - in the interests of Ukraines policy, in which the force is and will be the vanguard revolutionary CNS. Current Poland should not be too strong, but it can not be too weak. In view of the complete network expansion Polish counterintelligence, which banished all sympathetic government experts from the nomenclature, rebuild a secret network of CNS and begin to control all aspects of life of the Republic. *** The above text after przetłumaczniu Consular Agency of Poland in Lviv, by letter dated 20 March 1991. Sent to the Parliamentary Commission d / s Polish in Warsaw, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dept. Of Press and Information in Warsaw, the Institute of History of Sciences in Warsaw and several other places. in addition, the material was printed on 12-14 April 1991. in the newspaper Polish Armed, the organ of the Ministry of Defence. As he writes W.Poliszczuk After analyzing the text fragments of resolutions , after being confronted with other publications, I came to the conclusion that the resolution , or rather its fragments, is the original resolution of the OUN-b. This is indicated by the content of the resolution, which is adequate to the strategy, policies and ideology of the OUN-b. Text Resolutions is a reflection of the mentality of managerial OUN-b wheel.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 13:41:52 +0000

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