Respect for Mother Nature Something I would feel remiss about - TopicsExpress


Respect for Mother Nature Something I would feel remiss about if I dont address it. I think it is wonderful that so many people have taken an interest in foraging the wild plants that nature provides. Its not only a gratifying feeling when you can step off into the woods and you have the knowledge to seek out and harvest the bounty of foodstuffs, medicine, fiber and fuel, et is also a confidence builder, to know that nature provides when you have the knowledge. There is something else though that we, as humans, must also carry with us always whenever we venture into the natural world seeking its bounty. That something else that we must carry is, Honor. We absolutely must Honor the Mother with our Respect always. We must maintain awareness that we are not alone on this world and that we are but one voice in the circle of life. We must always remember that we are a part of and related to all living things...we share water, earth, sun and air. Remember these things when collecting these delicate gifts and remember...other living things rely on them too. Whenever you are interrupting the reproductive process of a plant, by removing its seed or its flower or perhaps its root, know when to stop taking so that you are sure to leave enough for the natural order of things to florish and provide future generations for all your living relations who are to follow. Many people just arent aware how quickly, lets say, a jewelweed colony can be decimated into nothing. These plants are an annual so if a small colony of 10 or 20 plants were to lose their yearly production of seeds to a collector...well there wont be many plants the next year and probably none by the following year. This is true of many wild plants, and because of human collection many are now endangered and some are gone. We must be Humble when we collect the wild..only taking a small share.I use the rule of five, if i can find five then I take one leaving the other 4 (representing the 4 directions or the 4 seasons or just because 4 is plenty to leave) thus knowing I have left plenty to provide and florish. We Respect Nature by collecting responsibly...she in turn Honors us with her bounty. The ultimate goal is to be able to Walk with the Earth and not upon Her. I have no illusion of achiving that goal but, perhaps, just perhaps, if I set my feet on that path then generations to follow will take it further.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 16:53:48 +0000

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