Responded to a livescience comment about Quantum Mechanics and - TopicsExpress


Responded to a livescience comment about Quantum Mechanics and Acupuncture. Wow, see my sophomoric explanation! Excuse me sir (and excuse my sophomoric explanation) but she is correct in her analogy of Acupuncture and Quantum Mechanics. It will be proven in the future as long as scientist are open-minded to see how energy, molecules to flesh and blood are what we are. If you take away the barriers of human logic you can being to envision the connections. Here are the connections which start at life level. 1. Wear, tear, aging and degrading of our bodies from movement as per the laws of nature. 2. The beauty of the human body is that it will self repair, the musculoskeletal system is especially good at this self repairing process; muscles tendons, ligaments, cartilage and intervertebral disc and bursae. In the breakdown and repair cycles you get some errors of repair. These errors of repair of muscles have a tendency to generate pain signals and cause the muscles to function erratically. I call them Pain and Dysfunction Generators. Why? The traditional name of Trigger Points is rejected due to bias and agendas. So onces these PDGs are in your MS system they will cause pain, dysfunction down to the cellular, biochemical and molecular level. This disease has many presentations, from FM, MFP, CPS, RSD/CRPS, Neuropathies, Autoimmune problems to dysregulation of BP and pulse rate as in POTS, blood sugars, thyroid levels, other hormones and emotions. Muscle are engines that can apply considerable force to itself and adjacent structures like nerve impulses, artery and venous flow, lymphatic and even chemical, hormonal and immune functions. Today from microscopic tissue samples from chronic pain patients, we know the the cell and possibly the DNA will become corrupted. Corrupted cellular and subcellular milieu will transform the human muscle into a discombobulated mass. My vision of this mass of chaotic muscle fibers is like a plate of cooked spaghetti, not straight parallel noodles as if cooked in the box. This clumped fibers becomes “alien” or “foreign” to the rest of your normal body. So like all foreign tissues the body starts to “reject” this altered stressed dis-eased tissue. SEVERE pain is the result, like a swollen red hot abscess, that needs to be popped (incision and drained) to eject the “sick-unhealthy” tissue. But unlike an abscess the sick tissue can not be ejected. So the pain is your body rejecting itself! So how does the metal acupuncture needle fit into the equation? C. Chan Gunn, MD had envisioned a parallel paradigm to Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. Gunn figured that it was the slim metal needles of acupuncture that would stimulate healing (as per the innate healing cascade, see Wiki) and would reset the internal electrical circuits in the muscle bundles. (See Cannon’s Law) So the metal wire would electro-mechanically short-circuit and reboot the muscle internal design. Thus simultaneously stimulating and inviting in the best environment for complete healing. Sorry for the length but it is difficult trying to explain how the universe in connected with a puny human mind.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 17:56:31 +0000

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