Rev JC Via Johan du Toit Greetings,I am from the USA. I became - TopicsExpress


Rev JC Via Johan du Toit Greetings,I am from the USA. I became involved in the Boer/Afrikaner genocide after having met a person from South Africa who took the time to teach me much of the history of South Africa and the Genocide now happening. Up to that time, I too believed the malicious propaganda against the Boer and Afrikaners that had been presented to the world these many years. This re-education of myself occurred over a 6 week period. We spent many hours online talking on Skype and towards the end, as I began to see the truth for myself, I had never in my life felt so betrayed by the medias out and out lies and perpetuating all the propaganda that we were fed and in all the forms that it was fed to us outside of South Africa. Accepting these truths was not easy, I had to do a complete turn around of many of the beliefs and misconceptions that I held and believed in many areas of my life. I also took the time to do my own research and came to these same conclusions. We have been lied to worldwide and in every possible way, betrayed by our governments, our media and our so called celebrities. I cannot even begin to describe the levels of the out and out lies and misrepresentation of the truth as the world has been lied to about the Boer and Afrikaner people of South Africa! I will say this though, all anyone needs to do is begin searching for the truth and you will be aghast at just how much we have been lied to. Begin with typing Boer/Afrikaner Genocide into your search engine. I use Google. Here is one of the many sites dedicated to these people and awakening the world to the truth! Be warned, graphic content and pictures. ajkraad.wix/genocide-museum As for those comments, that these people deserve what is happening, that too began with a deliberate propaganda agenda to make people worldwide see only what these propagandists wanted them to see. YOU have been lied too and in more ways than you can even begin to imagine as you begin this journey of the truth about South Africa.! I also took the time to travel to South Africa and see for myself on my own - living with many Boer/Afrikaner people. Instead of the so called "SPONSORED TOURS" These people are just like us! gracious, kind, giving, hospitable and loving. Yes I encountered angry victims and they had every right to their anger after having lost loved ones to acts of such barbarity that they are unspeakable! These murderers and rapists spare no one and savagely murder, rape and assault men, women, children, babies and the elderly. As for the racism agenda, I could not find all this so called racism that we are being told fuels these people. Yes, there are racists as their are in every country BUT the majority of people that I met are good and decent people. I was amazed at how many of these people did not know of all the propaganda that had been spread across the world. Most had this bewildered attitude of not understanding why these things were happening and why the world was being so silent to this Genocide. I did find racism in the black communities all over South Africa not only with people but their leaders and Government and in many forms, kill the Boer songs and marches among many others is one of them. In my travels all over South Africa at three different locations hundreds of kilometers apart from each other and in different provinces the people that I was with were told by these people that as soon as Mandela dies they will kill all the white people. I heard these statements with my own ears! This brief message only scratches the surface of all that I have witnessed including new laws that blatantly discriminate against Boer/Afrikaner people from the employment market, economic resources, the list goes on and on. Every day this situation worsens because the world continues to turn a blind eye and this blind eye sends a powerful message to these butchers to continue this mindless slaughter without any fear of repercussion. So if you are reading this take the time to learn the truth. This Genocide must stop and all of us must be willing to at least take a second look! Lastly all of us who say or do nothing, all of us who perpetuate this propaganda and theater of lies bear the guilt equally for these atrocities as though we were there, standing beside them and doing nothing. Take a second look in the name of all that is right and good, take a second look! Wix genocide museum created by AJKRaad based on Alternative Arcade | Wix AFRIKANER GENOCIDE MUSEUM
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 21:47:21 +0000

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