Reveal for todays interactive- Card A- Giving and - TopicsExpress


Reveal for todays interactive- Card A- Giving and receiving- The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or inhale (receive) , you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimal health, energy, and replenishment,balance each inhalation in your life with an exhalation. The angels sent this card because your giving-and -receiving ratio has been out of balance lately. If youve been given much more than receiving, youve likely been feeling that others are taking advantage of your kindness. if your imbalance is in receiving more than giving, you may have felt uneasy, depressed or even guilty. While its impossible to perfectly balance giving and receiving each day, you can strike a healthy balance. To do so, make sure to give something, like time,money a gift or compliments on a daily basis, without expecting anything in return. On the same day, be a gracious receiver to unexpected offers of help, compliments or gifts. Say thank you without embarrassment or guilt. In relationships where youre the primary giver, express your needs and ask for help. Additional meanings In your relationships, make sure you both give and receive. The situation youre asking about requires balanced male and female energies.. To receive, first you must give. Tithe whatever it is you need more of, time, money, items. Affirm. I now receive good graciously into my life, CardB- Ground yourself- When you detach from awareness of your body and the physical world, you becoame ungrounded. Although its pleasant to float heaven-ward, your attention and work are needed upon the earth. Were helping you balance the spiritual and material so that you can enjoy a fulfilling earthly life, This card is a signal that your energy and attention need to be grounded. If youve been feeling spacey, confused or forgetful, this card speaks to reason. Ungroundedness means that your attention is directed up to high as if your not in your body. A balance is needed between a focus on spirit and a focus on earth. You can ground yourself by walking barefoot on grass or soil, by eating foods ffrom the soil like potatoes or carrots, by rubbing your bare feet, by touching a tree or plant or by visualizing roots coming from your feet into the earth. Grounding will help you to better concentrate and focus, and will also increase your connections to the angels. Additional meanings. Spend time gardening. Work with flower essences. Adjust your diet and other lifestyle habits so that they support your mental and physical awareness. Make sure the words you speak or write are practical, grounded, and understandable. Be down to earth and authentic in your relationships. Send love and light to mother earth. Cardc- Perfect timing- Now is the perfect time for you to act on your inspirations, the doors are open whilst you walk through them with us right by your side. Dont delay or procrastinate, as all the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side,supporting your positive outcome This card means that you need to take certain steps before your prayer can be fully answered. The angels say that nows is the perfect time to act, they will guide you along the way. Sometimes its not important how we approach a situation,but that we put energy,actionand intention into manifesting what we desire. Once we take the first step in the direction of our desired outcome,the universe then gives us additional help. Additional message Take action now. The situation will work out provided you dont delay. Make a decision. Any blocks in the past were because the timing wasnt right. Hope your choices resonate
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 21:28:01 +0000

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