Rex Fritchey 2 hrs . Understanding Shemitah and the Seven - TopicsExpress


Rex Fritchey 2 hrs . Understanding Shemitah and the Seven Feasts of The Lord Sister Nancy on our Forum is asking a question we all need to learn more about, myself, included. The term Shemitah became a part of my understanding little more than 4 months ago. I learned about it from reading Mark Biltzs book on the Blood moons. He is a Messianic Jew and knows all about the Seven Feasts of The Lord, as well, because he and his congregation observe each of the Feasts, unlike most Christian Churches. To simplify Shemitah, it is an appointed seven year cycle that God built into His six thousand year program for man to sow and reap, as well as govern. God intended man to work for 6 days and to rest on the 7th. and that day was called a Sabbath. Seven cycles of seven years = 49 years, and the 50th year was a JUBILEE year in which all slaves were freed by their owners, and the land was to rest from farming so as to be not deplete all her minerals that God put in the soil to make vegetables and fruit taste as they should. 120 of these Jubilees would mark the end of mans rule and signal the soon return of Jesus to rule the 7th. day or 7000th. year. When the Jews did as they should in obeying the Lord, He was Graceful and took good care of the Jews on the start of a new Shemitah cycle. When they werent, however, they could expect bad things to occur (as their punishment for disobedience) during the oncoming Shemitah sycle. Corporate Israel is looking for upcoming punishment in the FINAL shemitah, which would be the 70th. week of Daniel described in Daniel 9: 27. They know nothing about the rapture of the Church as they were not taught about this mystery. Jesus revealed this mystery to Paul, directly, and for The Church. Corporate Israel realizes they must ATONE for their sins at mid-tribulation and that their God will forgive them and reconcile with them during His RULE starting with The Feast of Atonement, at mid-tribulation. In leviticus 23, God established His plan for Redemption and also laid out his end time prophetic plan, as well in the all of the Feasts. The Foundational Feast, of course, was Passover. Corporate Israel, however, failed to receive Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and that nullifies the need for the remaining 6 Feasts, as they all are interlinked, and only co-exist because of the initial Feast, Passover. Jews used these Feasts as times to party with each other and gorge themselves with food. They never saw the Scarlet thread that God had runnning through these Feasts and, because of this, The Father was never glorified, nor was He able to fellowship with the Jews. The Father wanted to re-connect with His children because after the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, and that was a large reason, for Jesus death, burial, and Resurrection for that objective. Because of this frustration with the Jews, The Father switched gears to the Church, 2,000 years ago, when Jesus went to The Cross. He didnt DROP the Jews...He, temporarily, took the Bride of Christ to do what His Jewish Bride, refused to do, and that was to be His Ambassadors and to promote the Good News Gospel. God plans to punish His unfaithful, disobedient Bride during the 7 year tribulation period, during the Feast of Atonement which starts at mid-tribulation. The 7 Feasts, in chronological order are: 1. Passover, 2. Unleavened Bread, 3. First Fruits, 4. Pentecost, 5. Trumpets. 6. Atonement, 7. Tabernacles. The first 4 Feasts are fulfilled and were all SPRING FEASTS. The Church Age is finishing out the Feast of Pentecost and will close with the [SOON] rapture of the Church. At the LAST TRUMP that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 15: 51-52, the Church will be raptured, in the twinlkling of an eye. Corporate Israel will go through the tribulation period and must repent for her sins of rejecting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. This occurs at the FEAST OF ATONEMENT [which means at one with god.] God forgives Israel during this time and this time represents the 150th. Jubilee and Israel is FREE from her bondage to Satan and his deception at this time. They see Jesus as their Lord and Savior and confess Him as so, at THE SECOND COMING, 7 years after the rapture of the church. We are at the start of a new Shemitah year beginning in Sept 25 of this year, at Rosh Hashannah [the first 2 days of the Feast of Trumpets]. The Church will get rewarded for serving The Father and being the Bride of Christ, and Israel will suffer punishment for her disobedience. A brief summary about each of the Seven Feasts: (1) Passover is where Jesus died for our sins on the Cross, (2) Unleavened Bread is when He was buried and He represented a SINLESS LIFE, so, thus, we should ascribe to leading sinless lives, as well, having The Holy Spirit to empower us to overcome sin. (3) First Fruit is when Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd. Day. HE, therefore, became the FIRST FRUIT of our REDEMPTION. (4) Pentecost came 50 days after Jesus went to The Cross. Pente means 50. This is when Jesus Ascended to be in Heaven from the Mt of Transfiguration. He then sent The Holy Spirit to the 120 seated in The upper Room, and baptized them in the Holy Spirit. Thus the Church was birthed and EMPOWERED to overcome sin at that time. We became Gods Ambassadors for Him, and, as such, are EXEMPT from His wrath and fury that He will be [SOON] be pouring out upon the entire earth, immediatedly after the rapture of the Church. Pentecost ends when the CHurch is rapture. (5) Trumpets comes at Rosh Hashannah which is starts the eve of Sept 24 and goes through 6:00 P.M. Sept 25, 2014. Whenever the rapture occurs, it WILL occur on the Feast of Trumpets at Rosh Hashannah, just as ALL of Gods other Feast days started and ended on a specified time, that God, Himself, assigns. These are called Appointed Times, or moed and they are NOT secret dates as you can see if you check out Lev. 23. They are quite KNOWN, so The Church should NOT BE SURPRISED when The Father blows the LAST TRUMP at Rosh Hashannah, should we? We just dont know WHICH ROSH HASHANAH He intends to bring the Church Home. My spirit is telling me it will be the 2014 Rosh Hashanah, however,as mid trib seems to fit 2017, perfectly. I say this because the same exact 4 signs that were found in the Heavenlies that guided the Wise Men to the newly born Savior in the beginning, will be present in the skies in 2017, as well, and there is NO OTHER YEAR that this will occur. That kind of nails it for me, personally, although I cannot swear that this will be the case. As you can see, these 7 Feasts of The Lord provide a good outline for Gods end time program, as well as His Plan of Redemption. The Jews BLEW IT, and WE fail to study, teach and preach on these Feasts. Hows that for ignorance? God forgive us! I hope this helps clarify your questions some. I am still learning but I freely share with you, Brothers and Sisters, what God, so richly, and freely, has given to me! God Bless you all.[p.s. I am not sure of the spelling of Shemitah.]
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:39:52 +0000

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