Rick Perrys timeline in 2012. Perry came in dead last in the - TopicsExpress


Rick Perrys timeline in 2012. Perry came in dead last in the Republican New Hampshire primary, and continues to travel in 2014 on Texans tax payers expense. Texas Gov. Rick Perry parachuted into the 2012 Republican presidential race in August, riding on a wave of high expectations. But after disastrous debate performances, sagging poll numbers and a series of downright embarassing gaffes, Perry decided to pull the plug on his campaign on Thursday. Here’s a look at Perry’s quick rise--and his even quicker fall. Aug. 13: Perry announces 2012 Republican presidential bid in South Carolina, saying “Its time to get America working again. Aug. 15: Perry tells Fox News he hopes hell be President Obamas worst nightmare. Aug. 25: Perry surges ahead of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney to become a top-tier 2012 GOP presidential candidate. Sept. 13: Perrys poll numbers drop after he calls Social Security a Ponzi scheme. Perrys GOP rivals, businessman Herman Cain and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, see their poll numbers rise. Sept. 15: Perry dines with celebrity businessman Donald Trump in New York City. Sept. 22: Mitt Romney hammers Perry on Social Security during a GOP presidential debate in Florida. Romney says Perry believes the federal government shouldnt be in the pension business. Oct. 2: Perry finds himself on the defensive amid reports he used a West Texas hunting camp once named N-----head. Oct. 4: Cain surges, jumps into a tie with Perry for second place among GOP 2012 presidential candidates. Oct. 5: Perry raises in $17 million in third quarter, leading all Republican candidates. Oct. 11: Perry mixes up the date of the Revolutionary war during a GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire. Oct. 18: Perry calls Herman Cain brother during a GOP debate in Las Vegas. Critics blast Perry as cynical and clumsy. Oct. 23: Perry questions President Obamas birth certificate in magazine interview. Oct. 25: Rick Perry says participating in GOP debates was a mistake because debates serve only to tear down the candidates. Oct. 29: An unusually expressive speech by Perry in New Hampshire sparks rumors he was drunk. Nov. 9: During a Republican presidential debate in Michigan, Perry suffers a brain freeze when he forgets which federal agencies he wants to scrap. Nov. 10: Perry tries to re-enamor himself with voters, making an appearance on CBS’ “Late Show with David Letterman,” where he attempts to put a funny spin on the debate gaffe. Nov. 15: Perry demands Congress be turned into a part-time operation and proposes to slash lawmakers pay in half. Nov. 29: In New Hampshire, Perry bungles the nations voting age and presidential election date. Nov. 20: Another error: Perry says New Hampshire holds caucuses. Dec. 9: Perry flubs Supreme Court Justice Sotomayors name, misstates number of justices. Dec. 15: Despite more poor debate performances, Perry says he wants to be the Tim Tebow of the Iowa caucuses. Jan. 3: Perry finishes a disappointing fifth in the Iowa caucuses; announces plan to continue campaign in South Carolina. Jan 10: Perry finishes last in the New Hampshire primary; vows to focus on South Carolina. Jan. 19: Perry drops his 2012 presidential bid, two days before South Carolinas primary.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 22:39:38 +0000

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