Right! It’s Sunday Sermon time and I feel a rant coming on, as - TopicsExpress


Right! It’s Sunday Sermon time and I feel a rant coming on, as this day draws to a close, about us waking up and actually owning and taking responsibility for the powerful beings that we are. I’ve noticed lately that there’s been a lot of talk about a word that Richard Dawkins coined a while ago. That word is ‘meme’. For those who don’t know a meme is a mental virus. They appear as phrases, pictures with captions, new language to convey an idea. They are the concepts that are planted about what rules we follow in our societies, they are the seed of all our beliefs. A virus has three functions which are, to multiply, infiltrate and spread from host to host. So, for example, when the media puts out story after story of what is wrong and what’s gonna go wrong, everyone seeing the same thing on tv at once, all become fearful together and start talking to each other about it (multiplying) they talk to still more people (infiltrating) who talk to more people who have now become fear-ridden (spreading from host to host). We are brain-washed to think that we are lacking and as a consequence are living from a survival standpoint, whether we actually are living hand-to-mouth existence or not. Not knowing that we have a choice IS the prison that we have unconsciously said yes to. We have been fed for eons that we’d just better suck it up, work hard and get on with it cos you never know what’s gonna happen in the future etc. In other words, we started to believe that we wouldnt be able to cope without being told what to do and what to think. We’ve forgotten who we are and we’ve given our power up and been left with a hope that someone else’ll fix it or us or them…some government will sort it out. Nobodies coming peeps! Our cultural structures are cracking at the moment and we must be wise. This is not a time to become hysterical nor stuck wading through molasses with the overwhelm of all the world’s problems. All we have to know is that we can take the reigns of our own lives and that often happens when living in the pain of the prescribed programme of the century, delivered straight to our front room by the media, forces us to look for another way. An easier way. A softer, more fun way. And I’m here to tell you cats that there is indeed another, easier, lighter, brighter, peaceful, loving, fun, juicier way :D
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 23:41:56 +0000

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