Riots and cops and fear oh my. So reading the posts and news - TopicsExpress


Riots and cops and fear oh my. So reading the posts and news and stuff on Ferguson etc. I notice the following: Disclaimer: Im so white I make the background that this rant is written on look shady. My heritage is so Europe I should claim dual citizenship. So I dont totally get it because as Louie CK said Being white is a huge leg up. The privilege of being born white should be evicted from society much like the British Royal family but thats another rant. - I suspect 99.9% of police are not evil beings. They are public servants doing an impossible job that cant help but being confusing due to lawmakers we elect creating confusing laws that often contradict each other. In addition, public scrutiny of police would make me (if I was a police officer) avoid responding to as many jobs as I could. Just responding to the job puts you on the judgement list. - It should be emphasized that the police ENFORCE the law. Not make it. Again. That is the job of the elected officials WE elect to office. The time to argue your arrest or whatever is the job of the courts and not the police. - There are a few bad apples in the police as there are anywhere. These people should be dealt with accordingly via policies and rules and regulations. - i believe there is a subtle racism in place today that is becoming not so subtle. More a culturalism if you will. We are very quick to judge. I have the very good fortune to have close friends on both sides of the political spectrum though I tend to lean more left I try and look for the logical. My experience has exposed me to all types of stereotypical labeling against everyone. I suppose it human nature of some sort. The problem is when it becomes a talking point about blame rather than finding solutions. - Ever since 9/11/2001 this country has been in a state of fear that is getting very dangerous. Fueled by a corporate 24/7 media that emphasizes tragedy as entertainment we are becoming so tense that it will take the slightest touch to make us snap. We are experiencing the foreshocks of a very big earthquake as we speak. Unfortunately this tension is fed by political leaders who are amazingly quick to blame anyone but themselves for everything and we feed into it like the best crack around. This fear and blame divides our leaders along their fantasy party lines (wherein they are much more loyal to themselves, financial sponsors and parties then their constituents or jobs). This division is fueled by the media which causes the lemmings that are the US citizens to be divided. It then becomes very easy to blame. Minorities as defined by the white majority become scapegoats more easily. Fear is the deciding factor. To paraphrase Yoda Fear leads to anger which leads to the dark side of the force. Its true, and the majority race controls the minority race who suffers the brunt of the fearanger. -America, and to a slightly lesser extent, the world are suffering from ADD. We want our solutions NOW though we know the government moves as fast as a snail on Valium. We are hyperactive in everything. Today it is the in thing to mourn Robin Williams. Nobody will remember Robin Williams in two weeks. We will have moved on to the next event. We move so fast we are not shocked anymore. 20 plus kids being gunned down at a school ignites debate when we should slow the hell down and realize that no matter how they died, 20 plus kids died. Now we have a second amendment debate that goes on and on until I am dreaming about it. I support the right to bear arms but take a breath. Nobody is coming for your guns unless you do something really stupid with them. I believe that the decision on who can keep arms should be decided on whether the arm bearer can recite the following without hesitation when asked: 1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded 2. Never point the weapon at anything you dont intend to shoot. 3. Keep the weapon on safe (if applicable) until you are ready to shoot. 4. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. If you cant recite this you should not have a weapon. I sincerely believe the solution lies within us. We can choose to be lazy or take action and talk to each other, fire our current elected officials and treat everyone as we want to be treated. Stop being so scared. I want a society that gets bored with people doing good instead of raving about it when it rarely happens. Use the 7 billion brain cells that were given. Ignore this if Im on a soapbox.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:33:50 +0000

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