Rip it all up. How serious is the Cross Island MRT Line going to - TopicsExpress


Rip it all up. How serious is the Cross Island MRT Line going to affect our natural reserve? If the alignment of the Cross Island MRT Line goes underneath MacRitchie Forest, the potential disturbance can be considered destructive to the whole fragile rainforest eco-system and animals. Major concerns are further fragmentation of the forest reserve, possible loss of habitats and endangered communities, soil erosion and stream siltation. For example, frogs and crabs will have trouble breathing when covered in silt. Sedimentation could mean significant loss of freshwater fish and amphibians found only in our pristine forest streams, which could in turn affect birds, reptiles and other animals that feed on them. Some stream fauna are found only in our central nature reserves such as the nationally endangered Temasek Shrimp (Caridina temasek) and Johnson’s Freshwater Crab (Irmengardia johnsoni). Other possible negative impact could be potential noise pollution effects on sensitive wildlife for which MacRitchie Forest is an important refuge, e.g. rare mammals like the Sunda Pangolin (Manis javanica), which is internationally endangered, and the Sunda Slow Loris (Nycticebus coucang). Few Singaporeans have heard of or seen these special and secretive animals. Although we cannot accurately predict or know the actual total impact, we simply can’t take a risk with our forest reserves. Lost ancient eco-systems cannot be replaced.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:20:59 +0000

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