Robbet Glover Theory. This post contains spoilers of the winds of - TopicsExpress


Robbet Glover Theory. This post contains spoilers of the winds of winter. With the released Theon chapter we meet stannis on a frozen lake in it he says something along the lines of “we will be ready when he [bolton] comes. What this most likely means is that Stannis is going to draw out Bolton which we already know he is successful at doing. know this is where it starts to go into my theory. First off this theory involves several things one of them being Stannis wins the battle of the ice which most people already agree with. Secondly it involves the Grand Northern Conspriacy which is a lovely theory which you can find more info here ( Now when Stannis wins the battle Roose will have to retreat, at this point we will expect Manderly and some other Northern lords to jump ship, out of all of them i think we will defentily be seeing Locke and the Lordless lords with him. If the GNC is true then the northern lords know of the will which means that Howland Reed is with Galbart Glover and Madge Mormont. Back to Roose bolton, he will need to flee, winter fell will probably to risky for him to go to so he will run for the Dreadfort Where he has a a nice amount of men still. this is when my Theory kicks in for when he arrives instead of the Flayed man of Bolton flying above the Dreadfort he will see the Sigils of Glover, Manderly, Mormont, and Howland Reed. all of them under a giant Stark banner. now you may be asking How? well its very simple the Dreadfort is one of the Strongest Castles in the North, it is a logical retreating point for Roose if he is to lose. using deception or possible Howland Reed magic they were able to sneak up on the castle and take it quite easily. But why? well like i said it is an obvious retreating point for roose, and is the closet Stronghold for him that he knows is still held by friendly forces. Moat Calin is to far away, and Crewyn Castle along with Torrhen square arent very good compared to The Dread fort. Robbet isnt seen again afterwards and for all we know he either went with Davos to find Rickon or stayed. i dont think he would stay he is one of the Few Northern lords in the area who has recent combat experience. and it would be easy for him to go up the white knife to the long lake. it is also the best Strategy for Manderly if you take the Dreadfort you take a symbol of his power as well as any possible reinforcements. the only way he could get serious help would be from the south which wont be coming soon. -First Sword of Braavos
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:55:15 +0000

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