Robby BowlingGuardian Eagles 2 mins · Does anyone with a - TopicsExpress


Robby BowlingGuardian Eagles 2 mins · Does anyone with a rational mind, oops what the hell is that...realize just HOW outrageous. nefarious & sinister this is or could be......Has anyone ever given consideration to the fact that this GOVERNMENT of WHORES, PARASITES & CROOKS not only want an altercation but they might be the ones creating the FLASH POINT to put us all down.......Think about it...if you have someone in your group pushing & pushing & pushing you to throw the first stone or fire the first shot doesnt it change the scenario?..... And with that in mind, ask yourself the question; Do you trust this government? Do you give them total impunity ? Do you take them at their word ? The answer for me is no, no,no,no, no, hell no! I would trust a COBRA before Id trust almost any branch of this Communist Dictatorship......And now that some of us realize the IRS, the NSA,the FBI & the DOJ are just modern day versions of the GESTAPO.... You know there is a catch-all charge this government uses to ENTRAP people.....For lack of a better term lets describe it as a Conspiracy to commit a Conspiracy ...Essentially youre bated into committing the crime....And believe me people this is not about information gathering.... Hell they already listen to every word we say, read every letter & E mail & plant EVIDENCE as needed...... Now Im not even going into the FEMA CAMP thing , the thousands of CASKETS they bought or the millions of rounds of ammo they purchased...but understand this....there will be a time to fight, there will be a time to draw a line in the sand or take a stand....Whenever that time is NOW or needs to be on OUR TERMS & not theres.....This government is just looking for an excuse to kill off all that this country was about.....the good, the bad and the freedoms......This is not America anymore, this is not a Republic...its a Corrupt Communist Dictatorship. complete with a Banana Republic Faggot as our MUSLIM QUEEN.....And these pigs have essentially turned this into a Corrupt Muslim Shithole..... I digress...
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 01:11:08 +0000

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