Robert Gates, former CIA director and Secretary of Defense wrote - TopicsExpress


Robert Gates, former CIA director and Secretary of Defense wrote in his now published memoires “Duty: Memoirs of a Secretary at War” wrote “With regards to Vice President Joe Biden: I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” Regarding the self-serving U.S. Congress he writes, it is truly ugly. I saw most of Congress as uncivil, incompetent at fulfilling their basic constitutional responsibilities, (such as timely appropriations), micro-managerial, parochial, hypocritical, egotistical, thin-skinned and prone to put self (and re-election) before country, the book says. He describes the pain he witnessed first-hand at the loss of American lives, and the damage to military families from successive wars. Robert Gates then stated For too many people, including defense experts, members of Congress, executive branch officials and ordinary citizens, war has become a kind of video game or action movie: bloodless, painless and odorless, the book says. December 2013 KIEV, Ukraine - The United States could take “concrete action” against Ukraine if its government cracks down on dissent, Senator John McCain warned. McCain, a leading Republican voice on U.S. foreign policy, told NBC News that sanctions against Ukraine would deserve serious consideration by Congress if Ukraine signed a customs and trade union with Russia instead of entering a trade deal with Europe. McCain, R-Ariz., and Murphy, D-Conn. And three other high ranking profile U.S. politicians, joined the anti-government demonstration to express support for them and their European ambitions. The protests began Nov. 21 after Yanukovych announced he was backing away from signing a long-awaited agreement to deepen trade and political ties with the EU and instead focus on Russia. Yanukovych backed off the agreement on the grounds that the EU was not providing adequate compensation to his economically struggling nation for potential trades losses with Russia. Well become the slaves of Europe if we go into it, said 43-year-old demonstrator Segei Antonovich. Look at history — only union with Russia can save Ukraine from catastrophe. Over the past week, Ukrainian officials have made some steps toward the opposition, with Yanukovych proposing an amnesty for demonstrators arrested in the police break-ups of protests and suspending two senior officials under investigation for the violence March 21, 2014: “According to reports out of Kiev (see links below), the US has quietly transfers 33 tons of Ukrainian gold out of the country and back to vaults in the US. Presumably, this sovereign wealth transfer would be counted as partial “collateral” for a fresh round of IMF, US FED, and ECB paper debt. a Ukrainian newspaper reported that acting PM Arseny Yatsenyuk ordered the transfer of that gold to the United States. The actual report is here: Jesse’s Cafe Americain provided a translated version here: jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot/search?updated-max=2014-03-11T16:29:00-04:00&max-results=6 “Tonight from Borispol in the U.S. strartoval plane with gold reserves of Ukraine. As our site workers airport Borispol, this night in 2-00, with the designated airport runway started unregistered transport plane ... According to the staff Boryspil, before it came to the airport four collector car and two cargo minibus Volkswagen, while , all arriving truck license plate missing. Car pulled out of about fifteen people in black uniforms, masks and body armor. Some of them were armed with machine guns. These people have downloaded the plane more than forty heavy boxes ... After that, some mysterious men arrived too entered the plane. All loading was carried out in a huge hurry. After unloading the car without license plates immediately left the runway, and the plane took off on an emergency basis ... Those who saw all this mysterious special operation airport officials immediately notified the administration of Boryspil, from which received a strong recommendation not to meddle in other peoples affairs ... Later, in received call back one of the senior officials of the former Ministry of income and fees, which reported that, according to him, tonight, on the orders of one of the new leaders of Ukraine in the United States has been taken all the gold reserves in Ukraine.” Note how gold flows into New York, but has difficulty flowing out of US private banking hands as is the case with the ‘confiscation’ of Germany’s gold. Numerous attempts by Bundesbank to repatriate its gold reserves have been met with a brick wall, and to date, Germany has only recovered a miniscule 5 tonnes directly from the NY Fed – out of the total 674 tonnes. It’s worth pointing out here that when NATO sacked Libya in 2011, one of the first items that came into question was the gold in Libya’s state-run central bank. Prior to the NATO takeover of that country, Libya had one of the highest per capita gold reserves in the world, alongside Lebanon. So don’t just listen to the (news) propaganda. Why the sudden U.S. interest in Ukraine last December after the elected President rejected enslavement to the World Bank? Why did five high ranking U.S. politicians then travel to incite a civil war? Who stands to benefit by hiring Academi (former Blackwater) mercenaries to shoot both sides indiscriminately and perpetuate the violence and bloodshed? On May 13, 2014 Business Insider reported the answer “Hunter Biden, the youngest son of Vice President Joe Biden, has been appointed to the board of directors of Ukraines largest private-gas producer. The company, Burisma Holdings, announced Bidens appointment on its website Tuesday. Burisma said Biden would be the new head of the companys legal unit.” Hunter Bidens appointment comes as the U.S. and much of the West has sought to take over Ukraine’s oil and gas supplies and disrupt the supply from Russia. Last month during a trip to Kiev, the vice president pledged U.S. assistance (taxmoney) in Ukraines pursuit of what the U.S. calls “energy independence.” His son’s appointment came a few weeks after Devon Archer —college roommate of the Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson, H.J. Heinz Co. ketchup heir Christopher Heinz—joined the board. So apparently there’s no money for the city of Detroit or the U.S. taxpayers, but plenty to create wars to sacrifice more U.S. Military personnel for corporate profits (Ukraine, Sudan, pick a hotspot), plenty of U.S. tax money to send to Israel, and plenty to pay armed egomaniacs to beat up WWII veterans at Washington, DC monument sites, and to fabricate debt then terrorize the Bundy family, and to perpetuate the unimaginable judicial corruption now-exposed rampant through the Family Court system and related cronyism, and agencies! Don’t watch the news, it’s just a bunch of propaganda; instead dig a little deeper and find who is trying to profit from each story revealed and sadly it almost always comes back to the same now-exposed global entity trying to divide, weaken, kill, or enslave every government, economy, country, religion, region, man, woman, and child on the planet!
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:58:50 +0000

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