“Robin Williams Dead - Commits Suicide.” That is the first - TopicsExpress


“Robin Williams Dead - Commits Suicide.” That is the first headline that pops up right now when you search his name. Message boards across the web are filled with people’s sadness, but unfortunately that is not the only emotion tied to Robin Williams’ passing. It makes sense that some are angry - we all know that this is one of the stages of grief - but I still can’t help but feel my own irritation bubble at others’ callous words. “He gave up.” “It’s a shame that he would throw away his life like.” “It’s selfish.” When a person dies of cancer, we say they lost the fight. When a person dies of depression, we say they killed themselves. Why is it then one illness brands someone a hero, and the other a failure? While our society as a whole mourns the loss of a beloved actor, there is an undercurrent of betrayal in the air. A friend asked me recently, “You’re okay now, right?” He was referring to the fact that I was hospitalized a little over a year ago for my own battle with depression. “You’re better?” It is hard to explain that with so many mental illnesses better is an entirely possible, but temporary state of being. There is no cure, only treatment that helps you last longer. In the same way the cancer patients undergo chemotherapy until they are in remission, I rely on medication and my psychologist. I am sure that Robin Williams had his own treatment that he relied on too. Depression is in so many ways the same as that malignant cyst. Years can pass where everything seems fine, but deep inside it festers and grows and destroys. It is a strong and formidable opponent to beat, and inevitably some lose the battle. Robin Williams was one of these people. I hope that instead of people dwelling on this defeat, they instead respect the many years he held on. 60 years is a long life to live when getting out of bed hurts. It’s a long life to live when there are too many days you wake up wishing you hadn’t. While he may be gone, and he will certainly be missed, Robin Williams should remain an inspiration to us all. His death does nothing but further instil in me a sense of admiration and respect. He was a survivor until his last breath, in the way that all people with a potentially fatal condition are. We should be honored that he gifted our community with his talent for so long. Rest in peace, Robin, and thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 03:34:21 +0000

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