Russia and India are discussing the establishment of a fighter of - TopicsExpress


Russia and India are discussing the establishment of a fighter of the 5th generation without fail No deviations from the schedule negotiations on a package of agreements associated with the joint production of a fifth generation fighter between Russia and India is not, told RIA Novosti on Monday, a source close to the negotiations.On the eve of the Indian newspaper Times of India quoted a source in the Ministry of Defense reported that the signing of the contract for the development work on the Russian-Indian fifth-generation fighter (PMI / FGFA) is delayed because of the increased price of the project by the Russian side. “This kind of publication associated exclusively political considerations rather than business. Project is profitable both countries, investment – 50 to 50, so any increase in prices and a slowdown in negotiations is not” – said the source. Meanwhile, a source told the Indian edition, remains a very small chance that the contract for the work on the MIT will be signed in the fiscal years 2013-2014. According to him, the time frame will be revised, with the Defense Ministry set up a committee of experts, technicians and financial experts who will be engaged in checking the validity of value growth. According to the newspaper, despite the delay in signing the contract with the Russian Federation, India still will not accept the U.S. proposal to buy the F-35 Lightning-II, since a large amount of money already invested in the project of MIT and India can not afford to maintain two similar programs, both from a financial point of view and from the point of view of the organization of technical support. The agreement on the joint development and production of fifth generation fighter aircraft was signed on 18 October 2007 in Moscow. It is the largest joint project of Russian-Indian military-technical cooperation. In December 2010, FSUE “Rosoboronexport” company “Sukhoi” and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) signed a contract for the development of conceptual and technical design of aircraft. At the heart of the Indian “perspective multirole fighter” laid a Russian fighter of the 5th generation “Sukhoi T-50″ or PAK FA with the structural modifications to the conditions of the air forces of India. Initially, the Ministry of Defence of India has made a request for 166 single rooms and 48 double machine, but later decided to buy only single.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 04:51:46 +0000

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