SAPELE/DELTA STATE MUST BETTER. HAPPY SUNDAY TO U ALL. The children of Isreal were in captivity for years and suddenly God delivered them from the hands of their enemies. I prophesy that this same God will not only hear your cry and see your afflictions but that He will also deliver you from all your troubles. Amen After the children of Isreal crossed the red sea, they sang in Exo. 15:2, “The Lord is my strength and song, and He is become my salvation: He is my God, and I will prepare Him an habitation; my father’s God, and I will exalt Him”. Moses and the people soon realized that this God that gave them such a victory cannot be overlooked or taken for granted. They so much desired His continued presence that they committed to preparing a habitation for Him through praising Him. The obvious question therefore will be how do I prepare a habitation for the Lord. The answer is not far fetched. Ps 22:3, says “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of His people”. Wherever God finds true praise He will inhabit. Our praise creates a place where God can dwell and manifest His presence. Wherever God inhabits He takes over as the Lord of hosts. Therefore, every other host will have to surrender and give way to the Chief Host. This is why I know that every power contending with your destiny will surrender to God as you make, Him a habitation through your praise. Whenever the evil spirit came upon King Saul and David began to play the harp, the evil spirit departed from Saul (1Sam 16:14&23). The presence of God causes evil spirit to depart. You and I may not be able to understand this mystery but just obey the word of God. God’s word works wonders always. The result comes through our faith in action. The Spirit of the Lord desires to manifest His presence with might and great power. He wants to manifest as the mighty man of war and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. God doesn’t just come to thrill you. He has objectives to accomplish. As you begin to praise Him continually, no matter your challenges or circumstances, every mountain in your life, business, career, academics, marriage, finances and children shall melt away in His presence. It is so vital that we prepare a habitation for God because it brings tremendous benefits to ourselves. You can’t praise Him and live a life of regrets. Ps 16:11, says, “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forever more”. God’s presence guarantees fullness of joy. Until you are joyful you cannot be fruitful. Also, you are assured of insights or revelation that will cause you to excel in the issues of life. When you carry God’s presence, answers follow you around. You see, God wants to destroy your enemies with His presence. Ps 68:1-2, says, “Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered: let them also that hate Him flee before Him. As smoke is driven away: as wax melteth before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God”. The enemy cannot stand the presence of God. God is a consuming fire. Ps 9:3, says, When mine enemies are turned back, they shall fall and perish at thy presence”. God’s presence that manifest through our praise, makes the mountains to melt. Your enemies become confused and losses and defeats becomes their portion. Let your praise prepare a habitation for the Lord to manifest as the mighty man of war to fight against your enemies. While the armies of the children of isreal and the king were hiding from goliath, David told Goliath, I come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts (1Sam 17:45). He gave God glory and defeated Goliath. You too can destroy every goliath in and around your life. No matter where you are presently, answers are waiting in the presence of God (Dan 2). Praise Him like you have never praised Him before and you will encounter what you have never seen before. The world will see you breaking forth in life. Be blessed by the God that made the heavens and the earth. As you prepare God a habitation He shall turn this present economic hardship to your season of increase and progression. Everyone who have asked where is your God shall have reasons to envy you this year. God bless you and bless our great nation Nigeria. Have you given your life to Jesus? If not, please pray this prayer. Father, I come to you as I am. I invite Jesus into my life to be my personal Lord and Saviour. Wash me cleanse with the blood of Jesus and empower me with the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for saving my soul and making me your child. Amen. Hit "Like" to claim favour from d prayers and make a special "wish" to God today in your Heart or comment it for speady answering by God. SAPELE/DELTA STATE MUST BETTER.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 04:34:54 +0000

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