SAT 12/07/2014 GOING UP BY REVELATION 1 Matt - TopicsExpress


SAT 12/07/2014 GOING UP BY REVELATION 1 Matt 11:25-27 Revelation is a necessity for every Christian that wants to travel far in the journey of life. Whatever is not revealed to you by God is not His agenda for you. God reveals His counsels to His sons, and frees them from unnecessary works because they already have an idea of the outcome by revelation. When you try to climb the ladder of success without revelation, you will end up in frustration. Joseph could give interpretations of dreams to Pharaoh because he recognised God to be the giver to its interpretations. You dont go up by force or by your intelligence, but by revelation. You may be poor academically, but if God reveals solutions to you, you will go up with ease. God can uncover the deep things to you, even things that can claim your life. There is nothing God had revealed to someone else that He cannot reveal to you as well. To have a definite revelation of God, be ready to pray through and be calm for responses. Tarry long enough to hear God after you have poured out your heart to Him. Hos4:6-The knowledge you have about God will largely determine your exploit among men. Your depth in God will determine your height among men. Seek not after your own way because the ways of man are right before his very eyes. The more you know Him, the more He will be willing to reveal Himself to you, but you must be careful for these hindrances 1. Full of self: Dont exalt yourself above Gods pattern. Be humble at His mystery. He rule by his power for ever; his eyes behold the nations: let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Psm66:7 2. Inability to see as God sees: You must be able to see as God Almighty sees. Can two move without agreement? The plan of God for you is bigger than how you portray yourself. If you can see as God sees, His promises wont be unto you as flattering. 3. Too busy: The more complicated you are, the more ineffective you will become. Be a man of one thing. When your daily activities are void of Gods presence, your steps cant be ordered by Him. Dont be too busy and ignore God. Any day without Jesus is a waste. Sit at Jesus feet, listen and learn of Him. A revelation of two minutes can establish a breakthrough that will last forever. Any service that takes the place of God in your life is an idol. PRAYER POINT: -Lord, grant me revelation of my destiny today, that will take me to the next level in Jesus name. BIBLE READING PLAN: Josh6:1-27; Ps80:1-19; Zech12:1-14
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:44:06 +0000

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