SEEKING GOD. Sometimes the door will open only when you - TopicsExpress


SEEKING GOD. Sometimes the door will open only when you understand why it was shut in the first place. Consider the story of Hannah. She wanted a son but God wanted a prophet. When she prayed, If You..give me a son, I will give him back to you all his life...(1 Sam. 1:11NCV), God not only gave her Samuel, but also six more children(1 Sam.2:5). When you pray for a harvest God will ask you to sow a seed. That seed may be something you love and want to cling to, but dont or rather, surrender it to God. Hannah discovered she couldnt be satisfied with less than Gods will. Elkanah had two wives, but he loved Hannah the most and granted her a double portion of his possessions(1Sam.1:5). But when youre not doing what you know God has truly called you to do, the love of people and material things wont satisfy you. Ordained people are not just those in pulpits! Hannah was ordained to be a mother. You may be ordained to be secretary, a landscape gardener, a teacher etc.. Find whatever Gods called you to do, and do it! Finally, Hannahs desperation led her to her destiny. The Lord...closed her womb. Why? To get her attention, to draw her closer to Himself. Hard times cause us re-examine our lives and seek God as never before. Our emphasis changes from Lord, heres what I want to Lord, what do You want? Then He blesses us, because ....He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him(Hebrews 11:6NKJV).
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:09:17 +0000

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