SELF...LOVE SELF....RESPECT SELF ...WORTH. 19.3.2014 -------❤️--------- No.. I m not surprised why there is so much war, so much killing ,so many fights,so much disrespect, Fathers abusing Children,Man beating them Woman,( or the other way) In Relationship there is so much disrespect,Powerstruggle, no communication,yes ,even punishment and Lovewithdrawal if it doesnt go his/her way. Where does all this discrimination coming from,pointing their fingers against others,instead of having a look into the Mirror... Lack of ..SELFLOVE,SELFRESPECT,SELFWORTH,is the Answer..!! Since we was Children ,we always get punish if we did something wrong,or some get even beaten badly, some of us heard how they are nothing worth,or that they shouldnt even been born,they was a mistake or an accident..( i heard that.. ) .. Too many Man heard that it is weak to cry , And we also didnt had no right to speak,expressing our feelings, without them taking it to the ridicilous..also..we was being refused, pushed back, without them explaining us WHY!!! This made we got in the status of being confused,in uncertainty, insecurity... Yes not many of us was taken seriously or not many of us had someone that was there for us in need .. To communicate, to show us that we are respected, someone to tell us that it is good that we exist, that we are needed.. That we are loved,that we are worthed.. Our Mothers,Fathers,Teachers.. The most important people in our Life , who was mostly around us, couldnt give we what we realy needed.. When we was a child. All the things we heard and experience then ,we was brainwashed ..and its not easy to get it out of us again.. To ReBrainWash ourself with the things we know better today. So as people grow.. Without that self worth, selflove , selfrespect within themself, then could this People handle an other with Respect , how can they love an other truely if they dont love themself? Sertain fears that they did grow up with, will still come up in sertain situations.. To be refused, or they get insecure in sertain situations wich subconciously remind them of their childhood.. They might be afraid of Lost even.., And all this make them react a sertain way to others.., Its not a easy road to get out of it.. But we know, we have to , because we are living now , not then , in the past.. But still , if we make a mistake , we may throw bad words against ourself, instead of saying, its all good, i m a human ,and we all make mistakes, i love my self same way.. like we would tell our best friend.. We wouldnt tell our best friend ( or mother) that she s a idiot because she did a little mistake,and we will not punish her with lovewithdrawal,or refuse her..( or him) .. No, we will be there make her feel better.. And still love her, no matter what.. And as we treat our best friend we should treat ourself. ( i am my best friend) and then we can also treat others the same way, starting to realize how much we are needed for many ,as we are all connected.. We are a part of a whole plan.. Each and everyone is needed, for each other ,on this planet. We have to realy work on this , to know our worth , to love ourself ,and with it ,everyone else.. With it , there will be respect.. Wich we need for each other also.. It is like a trinity.. Love ,worth,respect, everything goes as ONE.. And yes, it might be easyer if we have real friends who help us / support us with it ,to reach this trinity., But we cant relay on it ,because maybe that friend didnt reach it either as yet.. and cant react towards we the loving , respectful way.. So its only ourself and creation wich is in we, we can relay on., If everyone will reach so far, imagine how everything on this earth will change to the Good.., Yes it could be peaceful.. So it is realy time to give everything to reach this point, and it start within ourself.. Each and everyone.. And try to support each other with it.,if it is anyhow possible., it is needed.. Schools.. Teach the children about it.. ( dat would be great) make it as a subject) ( self love, selfrespect,selfworth) Parents, show your love to your children everyday.. Tell them how much they are needed ,that they are good ,loved,show them by treating them ina respectful way.explain them why u reacting sertain ways to them,so they can get to overstanding, . focus on the good what they do, as much as u can.. Ask them for their opinium and take them serious.. ..the human collective Karma need a change.. We can change it.. If there is a Will,there is a way.. Blessed Love.. Sista Ishiva 💚💛❤️
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:26:16 +0000

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