SEPTEMBER is POLIO AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION [Most governors offices want a proclamation faxed to them a month in advance in this format (please see picture). Call the governors office and ask whom you should talk to about proclamations. The text below is just for easy cutting and pasting. Add a WHEREAS of your own about your local support group or resources to make it unique to your state or province.] Proclamation WHEREAS, there are today more than 1 million survivors of North Americas terrifying polio epidemics of the middle of the last century; and WHEREAS, these polio survivors are experiencing Post-Polio Sequelae (PPS), the unexpected and often disabling symptoms -- overwhelming fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle and joint pain, sleep disorders, heightened sensitivity to anesthesia and pain, cold intolerance, and difficulty swallowing and breathing -- that occur decades after the acute poliovirus infection; and WHEREAS, Post-Polio Sequelae can be managed and even prevented if polio survivors conserve energy to stop overusing their reduced number of remaining, poliovirus-damaged neurons and weakened muscles and joints; and WHEREAS, only a very limited number of medical professionals know of Post-Polio Sequelae, let alone know how to treat polio survivors with PPS; and WHEREAS, Mia Farrow has joined with the International Centre for Polio Education and International Post-Polio Task Force to educate about polio and the cause and treatment of Post-Polio Sequelae through PostPolioInfo; and WHEREAS, the number of children being paralyzed and killed by the poliovirus is once again on the rise due to wars in the Middle East and Africa preventing vaccination; and WHEREAS, air travel makes all Americans vulnerable to infection by an imported poliovirus and therefore all Americans must continue to be vaccinated against polio; NOW, THEREFORE, I, ____________________ , Governor of the State of ___________, do hereby proclaim September 2014 as POLIO AWARENESS MONTH
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 18:07:37 +0000

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