SERIES FOURTEEN - Keep safe the divine spark deep inside you. - TopicsExpress


SERIES FOURTEEN - Keep safe the divine spark deep inside you. Peace on the Earth is literally hanging by a hair. (BY AN ASCENDED MASTER) PLEASE READ ONE DICTATION in the morning and one in the afternoon as recommended by the Ascended Masters. You may repeat the Messages twice or thrice so these will be engrained in your consciousness. HERE ARE TWO DICTATIONS FROM AN ASCENDED MASTER: 1..The time for your actions has come! Lord Shiva June 21, 2014 I AM Shiva! Today, on this day of the summer solstice I have come to you! As always, I am adamant and full of determination. My requirements to those who follow Us, are getting higher every day. And this is quite obvious. If just a few years ago we tried to teach and guide you, now the time of your training is over; it is time for decisive actions. There is no opportunity to learn the missing things any longer. I am telling you that the situation becomes tense every day and even every hour. Right now the moment has come, for which many of you have come into embodiment. The balance of the planet is on the verge of collapse. Peace on the Earth is literally hanging by a hair. Instead of firmly standing up for the Divine world and against the world of illusion, many of our followers decided to have a rest, as though nothing is happening in the world. I am telling you that the opposing forces do everything so that further evolutionary development on planet Earth becomes impossible. I am telling you that exactly now the time has come when you must apply all your efforts, all your abilities, talents and skills, first of all, to restore the inner balance of powers and to get to the all-out attack in the external world. You must return the Divine order into your world! If you still pretend that nothing is happening, if you ignore your duty of sustaining the Divine patterns on the planet, you will lose your planet, that platform on which the development of billions of souls is taking place. You are responsible for planet Earth! You must stop doing nothing! We have run out of the time planned for peaceful teaching! The time has come for decisive actions! Show what you have learned for these 10 years that you have been trained under the guidance of the Ascended Hosts! The balance on the planet could be maintained with the help of praying Vigils. I personally asked you through our messenger to give this energy to the Masters during the praying Vigil on the 23 of March this year. And if only ten thousand people supported my appeal, we could turn the situation on the planet back into a peaceful course already in the days of the spring equinox. However, we could not find even two thousand praying people. First, any negative manifestation forming in the subtle plane can be neutralized with the help of prayers. But then comes the moment when negative energies start their precipitation in the physical plane. And at this moment not only praying work is needed from you, but also your work in the physical plane. The repulse of negative energies must be created in every plane of being! I will remind you of this Law. When Great Masters of mankind come to give the Teaching to the incarnated humankind, they always do this before global negative processes are about to happen on the Earth. We always give humankind a chance to go along the easiest path, the path of changing their own consciousness. We give the Teaching, which makes it possible to change the consciousness of a sufficient number of incarnated individuals in a few years. We spend a great deal of Divine energy, transmitting our Messages into your world. However, the moment comes when humanity refuses to go along the royal road. More and more individuals we had hoped for are tempted by the magic of the illusion and leave the Path. And this moment has come. When humanity makes a collective choice not to advance in an easier direction of consciousness changing, the law of Karma comes into effect. Any karma can be softened at the level of thought and emotions. For this you should show the acknowledgement of mistakes and repentance. When the easier path is rejected, the release of karma begins in the physical plane. And periodically, it happens in a more intensive way than it usually does. Every time before another world war we obtain the consent of the Supreme Council of this Universe and get a dispensation for the transmission of our Teaching. We do that hoping that humanity will agree to follow the path of changing its consciousness. However, our attempts fail every time, and we cannot reach and persuade the necessary number of incarnated individuals to follow the Path shown by us. The realization of the karma always follows the rejection. I must tell you that it is possible to get back to the easier path at any moment. I must also tell you that wars, catastrophes and natural disasters are not Gods punishment. All these incidents were born of the consciousness of the people who are incarnated now. So the retribution, as the consequence, unavoidably follows the cause that has created it. The change in peoples consciousness will occur in any case. It is inevitable as the sunrise. However, the question is how much suffering it takes humanity to learn their lessons. I am giving you this Message hoping that at least a small number of our disciples will manage to unite and start acting. You have to stop any manifestation of the opposing forces in all planes of being and in all spheres of human activity. The more you will act in unity, the more avoidable will be the death, violence and troubles. The time for your actions has come! Now! I AM Shiva! © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translators: Julia Zaytseva and Ekaterina Reznichenko Proofreader Linda Ploch 2. Time has changed Sanat Kumara March 4, 2005 I AM Sanat Kumara and I have come today to inform the world about a new opportunity and a new dispensation which the Heavens have decided to free through our new Russian Messenger Tatyana. This turn of events will be unexpected for many of you. Many of you will experience contradictory feelings while reading this message. However, we do not want to force anybody to believe or not to believe the things to be told. Our task is to give you this knowledge. Its acceptance is a matter of your own free will. Times have changed and the New Age has come. The worlds have converged. Things which seemed to be an impossible dream a few years ago, even last year, are starting to become real now. We are getting an opportunity to speak through many of you and we are using this opportunity. The situation on earth continues to be stressed. The level of the planet’s vibrations is rising. New energies are coming to earth. Due to these energies the majority of mankind feels that it is impossible and senseless to follow further those paths which people have been following for many thousands of years. This is manifested as a feeling of dissatisfaction, heart sadness and expectation of something that may happen at any moment. The most sensitive people have lost interest in their usual activities. It seems to them that the things which were important and made up their life before are absolutely meaningless today. All your previous activities, your way of wasting time with friends, watching endless serials, your race for new trivialities, seem to have lost their sense. All this resembles festive tinsel left in place after yesterday’s party. Nowadays it is deprived of any sense. The most sensitive people have a presentiment of the New World and of everything new that is coming to take the place of the old and obsolete. Human consciousness will try to clutch at its habitual precepts, at the religious, social and family traditions of old. All these will be wiped off the face of the earth by the wind of the changes to come. There is not much point in resisting these changes because everything in this world is bent to Divine cycles. And the free will is, in fact, limited by temporal and spatial frameworks. The human mortal consciousness, limited by the framework of the material world, suggests that everything in this world should be subordinate to the will of Man or to the will of human leaders. No! There is a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them. If a cancerous tumor makes its home in a human body, a healthy organism starts to free itself of bad cells. Exactly the same principle works in this universe. If any human civilization concentrates only on the satisfying of personal interests and thinks only about enjoying this world, such a civilization is to be annihilated, just as a cancerous tumor can be removed by a surgeon. Any resistance is useless in this case. Everything not capable of assimilating New Consciousness, the principles of the Common Weal, Goodness, Cooperation and God’s Guidance, will be wiped off the face of the earth just as the recent earthquake and tsunami killed several hundreds of thousands of people in a few hours. Stop focusing only on getting pleasure in this world. There are much greater pleasures available to those who open their hearts and minds to the vibrations of the Higher Planes. There are no things necessary for you outside of yourself. All Divine knowledge and perfection is inside of you. Seek this treasure in your hearts; seek the entrance to countless riches inside of you. But you will have to pay for this entrance, and the price for that is your ego.You have to leave your temporal part, to get rid of all the accumulations of your electronic belt that are tying you down to earth and the lower plane of this planet like ropes. Thus, the state of melancholy experienced by many of you now, is a sure sign both of your tiredness of this world’s pleasures and of your readiness to make contact with the higher planes. All you need is simply to make a choice and to step into boundlessness, having given up yesterday’s festive tinsel. You should take a step towards the reality, one step, then a second one and continue moving without a stop towards the very true Being which is your authentic essence. There is nothing outside you that keeps you from moving towards the higher reality. It is you and only you who prevents you from doing so. Cant you cope with your own double wandering in this unreal world for thousands and thousands of embodiments? You have no other Path. You must either take a step towards the everlasting reality or be no more as individuals. A healthy organism can get rid of cancerous cells by itself. Metaphorically speaking, all of you are in God’s belly. Do you really think God will let you live in your own fashion? I say, “No”. He will simply free himself of everything not matching His Will and His Law. Think over the words I have told you. I am looking forward to meeting you in the future through this messenger or through any other person who prepares his temple to let me be his guest. I AM Sanat Kumara. Om. © Messenger Tatyana Mickushina Translator Svetlana Nekrasova IF YOU LOVE THESE SERIES FROM THE ASCENDED MASTERS PLEASE LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW OF MY SITE IN FACEBOOK: Hermaneli Torrevillas. MAY GOD the ALMIGHTY BLESS YOU.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:08:50 +0000

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