SETH ON EMERGING RELIGION AS IDEA CONSTRUCTION...from ron by way of DiAnne... SETH SPEAKS - The Eternal Validity Of The Soul APPENDIX - Session 593 The great religions of the world all had their births near the major coordination points. (See Chapter Five.) In such localities, changes are apt to appear rapidly, for ideas and emotions are propelled into physical actuality with greet vigor. Ideas sweep like fire among the people. The psychic atmosphere is fertile. Creativity springs forth easily, and so such locations are not necessarily peaceful, although they would be the best ground in which peace could grow. Any ideas for good or bad become materialized with such strength, however, that the contradictory feelings of mankind are more apparent near coordination points. There are effects, not as yet ascertained by your scientists, that appear in such areas; effects that were known however at the time of Atlantis, and also utilized by the Lumanians. In a strange manner, space puckers to an unobservable degree, as far as your instruments are concerned, near these coordination points. Some of my readers may be familiar with black and white holes in space, that your scientists have recently discovered. (Some theoretical physicists have postulated recently that when the nuclear fires of very massive stars are finally extinguished, their enormous gravity causes them to collapse so completely that they literally squeeze themselves out of existence. A black hole is thus left in space, and surrounding matter can disappear into this.) (Its been further suggested that this vanishing matter can show up elsewhere, either in our universe or others, through white holes. There would be a flow of matter in our universe and also between universes, keeping things in balance.) These points have somewhat the same qualities. The electromagnetic aspects of thoughts and emotions, the animations, are drawn through points that can compare to miniature black holes. Here their energy momentarily disappears from your system, is immeasurably accelerated, however, and returned through what you might call a miniature while hole - concentrated now, and highly directed back into you system of reality. __._,_.___
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:57:15 +0000

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