SEWAGE FUNDING NEWSFLASH: The City Council meetings are not very - TopicsExpress


SEWAGE FUNDING NEWSFLASH: The City Council meetings are not very informative, therefore I decided to search for answers on my own. The amount of money the City has to offer to the residents for sewage work is 0. The City has applied(not guaranteed to get) a $500,000 grant from the state from the Keystone Community Program. From this grant $1,000 per homeowner can be applied for, it will not be available until next year. Another form of assistance is through the Community and Economic Block Grant. The City will be getting $163,000 from this. According to City guidelines a homeowner will be eligible for up to $1,000 in assistance.(I seem to recall the manager stating the CDBG money will go to help 45 homeowners comply with the sewage mandate-is there anyone who knows whats going on?) Another form of assistance is through the Communities Foundation, which will not have money available until next year, although you can get an application now to apply for this. A homeowner will not be eligible for all of these grants. If you utilize one grant source, you can not get grant money from the others. 1 program per household. I hope this clarifies any confusion and questions people may have about funding. The bottom line is: The City HAS NO MONEY AVAILABLE FOR RESIDENTS AT THIS POINT IN TIME. (In my opinion, this would have been worth mentioning at a City Council meeting to inform the residents of this city).
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 17:38:01 +0000

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