SHAME to these medieval barbarous MURDERERS! AND SHAME to all - TopicsExpress


SHAME to these medieval barbarous MURDERERS! AND SHAME to all POLITICIANS who allow such brutish KILLING by pretending diplomatic behavior and keeping finally silent instead of voicing for the countless unbearable suffering INNOCENTS!!! ONLY the WEAK are CRUEL. GENTLENESS can be expected from the STRONG ... Felice Leonardo Buscaglia. Initial barbaric death of 3 Israelis and one extreme cruel burned Palestinian child was the tragic and fateful trigger for enormous aggressive Powers on both sides to continue with deep rooted and endless seeming Palestinian Conflict. Presently we are forced to witness consequences of mainly islamic based and worldwide performed political exploited fundamentalism (Taliban, ISIS, Boko-Haram, ...), what is complete contrary to Koran`s Intentions. But by ISRAEL`s stubborn Politics regarding Palestinian settlement-areas it puts permanently SEEDS for Futures Violence by fueling such kind of political exploited fundamentalism, what escalated again to presently exchange of terrible blows. And ISRAEL seems to exploit its Role of Victimhood routinely. Maybe biblical perception of being the Chosen People plays a role in minds of some or too many influential politicians and parties or single magnates and people. But Human`s ETHICS forbids strictly ANY Religious Legitimation for violence against other Humans! Each RELIGION means first of all to be COMPASSIONATE and understanding to all other Beings! Therefore Israel should NOT Refer to any BIBLICAL or else founded Privilege! And Palestinian Fundamentalists had to STOP spreading the extreme childish and promise seeming outlook to Death-Willing Militants of being immediately placed to heaven after dying for so called righteous war. Israel`s erasement as objective of radical Islamic Hamas-party can absolutely NOT be accepted! Therefore Hamas has to clear itself rigorous from all kinds of such rightist extremists. But we also heard regularly by medias that President B. Netanyahu conceded or had to concede in demands of right orientated influences and parties to secure his political continuity. Regarding Role of Victimhood I want to appeal imploring: Todays living Humans are really not GUILTY for HOLOCAUST`s Madness that has been caused by indescribable INSANITY of Hitler`s Nazi Regime! And it´s also entire clear that ISRAEL and the PALESTINIAN want to favor its biased presentation of this fatal conflict. But nothing on world is worth to destroy something or even KILL sentinent Beings ONLY for EGO`s driven vain conceptions! So let`s appeal imploring to responsible powers of ISRAEL as well as PALESTINIAN: Please Wake up into civilized World`s Presence ASAP for sake of countless INNOCENTS hurt by medieval brutish Assaults! We repeatedly can witness that Israel lets elapse many years without Seeking Seriously for Effective and Durable PEACE Agreements or Solutions. But it provokes the World routinely when it claims regularly Palestinian settlement-areas tight in preparation of Peace-Negotiations. And it`s always again so agonizing arduousness to get them to a Negotiating-Meeting! ISRAEL has to show and witness its Peace-willingness! To legitimate ISRAEL`s barbarous and deathly attacks by enormous ingenuous seeming announcements prior to these attacks seems to be much more extreme Cynical Behavior than expressure of political willingness. Besides disastrous human aspects ISRAEL wants to authorize destroying of residents lifework simply by prior short phone-call! If this didn`t correspond with LETHAL REALITY it could have originated from E.KISHON`s subtle Humor! But it`s complete clear that the enormous Extremistic-Potential on both sides is Fueling Violence and TERROR. Therefore Termination Efforts have to be focused on cruel Crimes of Extremistic Powers and NOT TO the LIFES of Hundreds of INNOCENT Palestinians and Israelis! But Israel`s blockade-politics helps to recruit Islamistic Offsprings for Palestinian fundamentalistic driven TERROR due to lack of prospects to countless young Palestinian! So I want to state frankly: Most involved POLITICIANS are IRRESPONSIBLE in face of countless CRUEL Dieing of INNOCENT`s we are witnessing during these critically days!!! There really exists NO EXCUSE for INDIFFERENT behavior of Politics and Politicians! Politics has to follow generally to RULE of PRIORITIES what means without any ambiguity: Politicians have to STOP mad KILLING of INNOCENTS immediately!! That`s their momentary most important JOB or they have to be called INCAPABLE and therefore UNACCEPTABLE in face of World`s impatience! Politicians should be appraised and judged only by their EFFORTS and SUCCESS to Terminate any Bloodshed Enduring! But we are damned to be passive WITNESSES of Endless Recurrences from same appalling CRUELTIES and literally ordered MASS-KILLINGS! Why has NOTHING be undertaken up to now to PREVENT KILLING of INNOCENT ONES? Today Politicians take too much care for their personally Reputation! SHAME to this kind of Politics & POLITICIANS! Did they LEARN NOTHING from HISTORY??? Politics has to STOP immediately ANY bloodshed! Otherwise Politics is antiquated, futile and therefore USELESS to fulfill todays requirements! POLITICIANS should urgently recognize that they do NOT EXIST to polish their Vain Reputation! VOICES of Harmed & Tormented HUMAN`s must be heard! ISRAEL must STOP ASAP extreme cruel ISOLATION of Palestinian! Israel`s Politicians should try by themselves how it feels to be Outdoor Imprisoned for so many years without HOPE and Perspectives for RELIEF! Such MASSIVE ISOLATION for itself is an extreme cruel CRIME! But ACCEPTED by our WORLD-LEADERS!!! Of course all EXTREMISTS on both sides have to STOP immediately and ENDURING their ACTIVITIES!!! Finally just one question: WHEN will MANKIND live up to its NAME? Mr. Ferdinand Puttinger, Austria Aug 04, 16:29 # 63 —thepetitionsite/593/070/195/israel-gulty-of-war-crimes/ Edited for spelling only. #WiseToTheLies #GazaUnderAttack #FreePalestine #BoycottIsrael #IsraHELL #Gaza #PrayForGaza #Palestine #Holocaust #Genocide
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:25:39 +0000

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